
Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;


The TotalsEnum enumeration contains types of totals for data of express report table.

It is used by the EaxMdService.setTotals method.

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 DataSource. Data source.
1 OtherTotals. Other totals.
2 None. Totals are not shown.
3 NoneOfRows. Not by rows.
4 NoneOfColumns. Not by columns.
5 columnTypes. Types of columns.
6 rowTypes. Types of rows.
7 Columns. By columns.
8 All. All totals.
9 Sum. AutoSum.
10 Avg. Mean.
11 Min. Minimum.
12 Max. Maximum.
13 CountNotNull. Number of non-empty.
14 CountNull. Number of empty.
15 Moda. Mode.
16 Median. Median.
17 Disp. Variance.
18 StdDev. Standard deviation.
19 Skewness. Skewness.
20 Excess. Kurtosis.
21 Razmah. Range.
22 Var. Variation coefficient.
23 SQ. Sum of squares.
24 Auto1. First order autocorrelation.
25 HiD. Upper decile.
26 HiQ. Upper quartile.
27 LoQ. Lower quartile.
28 LoD. Lower decile.
29 treatEmptyAsZero. Empty value as zero.
30 includeOwner. Including owner.
31 byHierarchy. By hierarchy.
32 byLevels. By levels.
33 Total. Total.
34 SubTotal. Subtotal.
35 Common. Grand totals.

See also:
