
Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;


The TabTablePredefinedStyleenumeration contains predefined styles for express report table.

It is used by the EaxMdService.setMainTableStyle method.

Available Values

Value Brief description
Blue Blue color.
DarkBlue Dark blue color.
Red Red color.
DarkRed Dark red color.
Green Green color.
DarkGreen Dark green color.
Purple Purple color.
DarkPurple Dark purple color.
Orange Orange color.
DarkOrange Dark orange color.
ExtBlue Blue (with borders).
ExtBlueStriped Blue (without borders).
ExtGrey Gray (with borders).
ExtGreyStriped Gray (without borders).
ExtDarkBlue Dark blue (with borders).
ExtDarkBlueStriped Dark blue (without borders).
ExtGreen Green (with borders).
ExtGreenStriped Green (without borders).
ExtBrown Brown (with borders).
ExtBrownStriped Brown (without borders).
ExtRed Red (with borders).
ExtRedStriped Red (without borders).
UndefinedStyle Style is not defined.

See also:
