JSON Object of the BubbleChart Component

JSON structure is an arranged set of values. Users can work with most properties and settings of the BubbleChart component via JSON object, for example, when creating a new component.

See below JSON structure of a newly created bubble chart:


  "@NoDataVisualType": "X, Y",

  "@UseSelectOnRightClick": "true",  // Indicates if items can be selected on right click

  "@ShowBubbleHistory": "false",

  "@ShowHistoryPreviousStepsOnly": "false",  // Shows only previous items in history mode

  "@ShowBubbleHistoryLabels": "false",

  "@HistoryBubbleStyle": {},

  "@UseBubbleColorForHistoryLines": "false",

  "@UseBubbleFillForTooltip": "true",

  "@ShowBubblesWithNoData": "false",

  "@AnimationDuration": "1500.00000",  // Sets duration of chart animation in milliseconds

  "@ShowHistoryMode": "None",

  "@OffsetX": "70",

  "@OffsetY": "70",

  "@CrosshairMode": false,  // Shows crosshair on bubbles

  "@UseZoomOnWheel": false,  // Indicates if mouse wheel can be used for zooming

  "@UseBubbleFillForCrosshair": false,  // Determines if bubble color is applied to its crosshair

  "BubbleStyle": {},

  "Palette": {...},

  "TooltipStyle": "",  // Determines tooltips style

  "@TooltipDelay": "500",  // Sets tooltips delay

  "ChartArea": {

    "Background": {...},

    "Header": {...},

    "Axes": {...},

    "Grid": {...},


  "XVisual": {

    "CoordinateMapping": {...},  // Defines data mapping settings, identical to PP.DataMapping


  "YVisual": {

    "CoordinateMapping": {...},  // Defines data mapping settings, identical to PP.DataMapping


  "Timeline": {...},

  "Legends": {

    "Legend0": {...},


  "Style": {...},

  "HoverInactiveEffects": {...},  // Specifies effects to be applied to not-hovered items

  "SelectInactiveEffects": {...},  // Specifies effects to be applied to not-selected items

  "CustomData": "",

  "DataSources": {},

  "Series": [],

  "Transformers": {...},  // Settings of data trnsformations

  "SettingsProvider": {...},  // Display settings provider


See also:
