setEaxTitleVisible(visible: Boolean);
visible. It determines displaying of visualizer title:
True. Title is displayed.
False. Title is hidden.
The setEaxTitleVisible method hides or displays visualizer title.
Visualizers are used to display information from data sources with the ability to analyze and set up displayed data.
Available visualizers: table, chart, map, bubble chart, bubble tree, tree map, indicator.
To execute the example, make sure that the repository contains a dashboard with the 88665 key.
Create an HTML page with example of placing the KapBox component and execute the following operations:
Open the dashboard with the 88665 key:
Select the Document > Open main menu item
Execute the following in the console:{
Key: 88665
Select dashboard block with visualizer and execute the following in the console:
var eaxTitleCheckBox = new PP.Ui.CheckBox({
ParentNode: "checkBox",
Content: "Show/hide visualizer title",
CheckedChanged: function () {
After executing the example, the Shoe/Hide Visualizer Title checkbox is added, which, if selected or deselected, displays or hides title of the selected block with visualizer.
See also: