
Namespace: Kap;


The JsBlock class implements dashboard block.


  Method name Brief description
exportTo The exportTo method exports dashboard block in the specified format.
getBlockType The getBlockType method returns block type.
getDataBox The getDataBox method returns data area of the report contained in dashboard block.
getNavBar The getNavBar method returns side panel parameters for dashboard block.
getService The getService method returns instance of the service for working with a block data source.
getSource The getSource method returns block data source.
print The print method prints block.
refresh The refresh method refreshed block.
setBlockTitileVisible The setBlockTitileVisible method hides/displays block title.
setBlockType The setBlockType method sets block type.
setEaxTitleVisible The setEaxTitleVisible method hides or displays visualizer title.
setHidden The setHidden method hides or displays block.

See also:

Kap | Dashboard