Working with General Visual Components



Namespace contains classes of the visual controls.


  Class name Brief description
ActiveMenuItem The ActiveMenuItem class implements a menu item that is not highlighted on hovering, and which does not close the menu when clicked.
Animation The Animation class implements animation of objects' properties and styles.
AnimationPoint The AnimationPoint class implements animation played at a specific moment in time.
AnimationPoints The AnimationPoints class implements a collection of animations played at specific moments in time.
AnimationSequence The AnimationSequence class implements animations sequence.
AppBox The AppBox class implements container of Foresight Analytics Platform web application.
AreaSelection The AreaSelection class implements the selection frame.
ArrowDropPanel The ArrowDropPanel class implements the ArrowDropPanel component, which is a drop-down panel with an arrow and random custom contents.
Autocomplete The Autocomplete class implements the Autocomplete component that is used to autocomplete the text typed in by the user.
AutoRefreshMenu The AutoRefreshMenu class implements autorefresh menu.
AxisTick The AxisTick is used to work with a tick of cylinder axis.
BCList The BCList class is a base class for working with collections of Breadcrumb component items.
BorderCombo The BorderCombo class implements the BorderCombo component, that is, a drop-down menu for selecting border type.
BorderLayout The BorderLayout class implements the BorderLayout component, which is a layout to place components inside the container relative to its borders.
BorderTypeCombo The BorderTypeCombo class implements basic settings of border editor.
Breadcrumb The Breadcrumb class implements the Breadcrumb component that is used to create an object breadcrumb.
BreadcrumbItem The BreadcrumbItem class implements an item of the Breadcrumb component.
BreadcrumbItemsList The BreadcrumbItemsList class implements a collection of the Breadcrumb component items.
BreadcrumbSelectedItemsList The BreadcrumbSelectedItemsList class implements a collection of items selected in the Breadcrumb component.
BubbleChartMasterSize The BubbleChartMasterSize class implements the Size tab in the bubble chart wizard of express report.
Button The Button class implements the Button component that is a button.
Canvas The Canvas class implements the Canvas component that is a canvas for drawing items.
CanvasHTMLRenderer The CanvasHTMLRenderer class renders the DOM tree structure.
CanvasLabel The CanvasLabel class is used to work with a label on canvas.
CellPicker The CellPicker class implements the CellPicker component that is used to select the number of table rows and columns.
ChangePasswordDialog The ChangePasswordDialog component is a dialog box where the user can change password.
Chart The Chart class is used to work with a chart based on the Canvas element.
ChartBreadcrumb The ChartBreadcrumb class implements breadcrumb for navigating through levels of the tree map items.
ChartBreadcrumbItem The ChartBreadcrumbItem class implements breadcrumb for navigating through levels of the tree map items.
ChartCommon The ChartCommon class implements the Chart page in the chart setup wizard.
ChartLabel The ChartLabel class determines a text label.
ChartMaster The ChartMaster class implements the ChartMaster component that is a chart setup wizard.
ChartMasterFoundation The ChartMasterFoundation class is a base class for chart wizard.
CheckBox The CheckBox class implements the CheckBox component that is a checkbox.
Clipboard The Clipboard class is a clipboard.
ColorCombo The ColorCombo class implements the ColorCombo component that is a drop-down list for color selection.
ColorLegendBase The ColorLegendBase class implements a base class of the legends that work with color factors.
ColorPanel The ColorPanel class implements the ColorPanel component that is a panel for color selection.
Combo The Combo class implements the Combo component that is an editor with a drop-down panel.
ComboBox The ComboBox class implements the ComboBox component that is a drop-down list.
ConfigClass The ConfigClass class contains global settings of visual components.
Container The Container class is a base class of container objects.
Control The Control class is a base class of visual components, common class for visual and non-visual components.
Cylinder The Cylinder class is used to work with cylinder.
CylinderGaugeAxis The CylinderGaugeAxis class is used to work with cylinder axis.
CylinderGaugeValue The CylinderGaugeValue class is used to work with cylinder value.
CylinderHeader The CylinderHeader class is used to work with cylinder header.
CylinderTrend The CylinderTrend class is used to work with a trend line of cylinder.
DataGrid The DataGrid class is used to work with a table.
DataGridRectangle The DataGridRectangle class is used to work with a table rectangle.
DataGridSelection The DataGridSelection class is used to work with table lines selecting.
DataVisualizer The DataVisualizer class is a base class for visualizers of Foresight Analytics Platform.
DataVisualizerContainer The DataVisualizerContainer class implements the visual components container.
DateTimeEdit The DateTimeEdit class implements the DateTimeEdit component that is a date and time editor.
DateTimePicker The DateTimePicker class implements the DateTimePicker component that is a date and time editor with a drop-down calendar for date selection.
DGFormater The DGFormater class is used to format table data.
Dialog The Dialog class implements a dialog box.
DiscussMenu The DiscussMenu class implements the Share menu that is used to publish a link to a repository object to social networks.
DropPanel The DropPanel class implements the DropPanel component that is a drop-down panel with custom contents.
DVSyncManager The DVSyncManager class is used to synchronize visual components.
FileUpload The FileUpload class implements the FileUpload component.
FlexLayout The FlexLayout class implements the FlexLayout component that is a flexible layout to place components inside the container.
FontBox The FontBox class implements the FontBox component that is used to set up text parameters.
FontComboBox The FontComboBox class implements the FontComboBox component that is,a drop-down list for font selection.
FontDialog The FontDialog class implements the FontDialog component that is a standard font selection dialog box.
FontTools The FontTools class implements text parameter setup panel.
GaugeCenterLabel The GaugeCenterLabel class implements speedometer central text label.
GradientSlider The GradientSlider class implements a gradient control for selecting a value by moving sliders.
GridPanel The GridPanel class implements the GridPanel component that is a table for placing components.
HighlightEffect The HighlightEffect class implements an effect of item highlighting.
Hyperlink The Hyperlink class implements the Hyperlink component that is a hyperlink.
IconListItem The IconListItem class implements the IconListItem component that is a list item that consists of icons.
ImagePreloader The ImagePreloader class is used to load several images.
InfoWindow The InfoWindow class implements an information window.
InfoWindowPanel The InfoWindowPanel class implements an information window panel.
IntervalsLegend The IntervalsLegend class implements visualizer legend with intervals.
Label The Label class implements the Label component that is a label.
LayoutBox The LayoutBox class implements the LayoutBox component that is a container for components represented by the table.
LegendBase The LegendBase class implements a base class of the legend.
LegendHeader The LegendHeader class implements legend header.
LegendToolTip The LegendToolTip class implements legend tooltip.
LineLabel The LineLabel class implements the LineLabel component that is a label with line.
ListBox The ListBox class implements the ListBox component that is a list.
ListItem The ListItem class implements the ListItem component that is an element of list.
LongListBox The LongListBox class implements the LongListBox component that is a grouped list.
LongListItem The LongListItem class implements the LongListItem component that is an element of grouped list.
MainMenu The MainMenu class implements the MainMenu component that is a main menu.
MainMenuButton The MainMenuButton class implements a child item of the main menu, namely, button.
MainPanel The MainPanel class implements the MainPanel component that is a drop-down panel with menu.
MainPanelItem The MainPanelItem class implements the MainPanelItem component that is the drop-down menu item.
MapArrowBase The MapArrowBase class is an abstract class presenting basic properties of system arrows.

The MapArrowLabelPanel class is used to work with settings of arrow labels on a map.

MapMaster The MapMaster class implements the MapMaster component that is a wizard to work with a map.
MapMaster.AreaVisualPanel The MapMaster.AreaVisualPanel class implements the Color panel  of map wizard.
MapMaster.LegendPanel The MapMaster.LegendPanel class implements the Legend panel of map wizard.
MapMaster.Visual3DPanel The MapMaster.Visual3DPanel class implements the Height Indicator panel of map wizard.
MapObject The MapObject class implements an abstract object on a map.
MapSizeLegendPanel The MapSizeLegendPanel class is the Height Legend panel of map wizard.
MaskEdit The MaskEdit class implements the MaskEdit component that is an editor that is used to enter data corresponding to a certain pattern.
Master The Master class is a base class for wizards.
MasterPanel The MasterPanel class is an abstract class of a wizard panel.
MasterBorderTypeCombo The MasterBorderTypeCombo class implements border editor of map labels on the side panel.
Menu The Menu class implements the Menu component that is used to open a context menu.
MenuHeader The MenuHeader class implements the menu header.
MenuItem The MenuItem class implements the child component of the menu.
Message The Message class implements the Message component that is a dialog box with an icon.
MetabaseListItem The MetabaseListItem class implements an item of repository objects list.
MetabaseOpenDialog The MetabaseOpenDialog class implements the dialog box of object opening from metabase.
MiniMap The MiniMap class implements the map zoom panel.
MonthCalendar The MonthCalendar class implements the MonthCalendar component that is a calendar for date and time selection.
NavigationBar The NavigationBar class implements the NavigationBar component that is the property panel that is used to navigate through the properties of active component and to manage properties.
NavigationItem The NavigationItem class implements the NavigationItem component that is the a child item of the NavigationBar component - tab with a drop-down panel.
NumberEdit The NumberEdit class implements the NumberEdit component that is a value editor with scroll buttons.
NumberEditValidateArgs The NumberEditValidateArgs class implements arguments of the NumberEdit.Validate event for the NumberEdit component.
Panel The Panel class implements the Panel component that is a panel for placing components.
ParallelCoordinates The ParallelCoordinates class implements the ParallelCoordinates component that is a chart with parallel coordinates.
ParetoDialog The ParetoDialog class implements a dialog box for setting up Pareto data distribution.
PCArea The PCArea class implements the draw area of the chart with parallel coordinates.
PCAxis The PCAxis class is an axis of the chart with parallel coordinates.
PCLine The PCLine class is a line of the chart with parallel coordinates.
PCObject The PCObject class is a base class for chart visual items with parallel coordinates.
PCVisual The PCVisual class is intended to match data of the chart with parallel coordinates to its sizes.
PlacedControlBase The PlacedControlBase class implements a base class of visual controls.
ProgressBar The ProgressBar class implements the ProgressBar component that is used to show progress in execution of time-consuming operations.
RadioButton The RadioButton class implements the RadioButton component that is a radio button to select one of mutually exclusive alternatives.
RangeSlider The GradientSlider class implements a control that is used to select value range by moving sliders.
RatingChart The RatingChart class implements a ranking chart.
Ribbon The Ribbon class implements the Ribbon component that is a ribbon.
RibbonButton The RibbonButton class implements the RibbonButton component that is a ribbon button of the application.
RibbonCategory The RibbonCategory class implements the RibbonCategory component that is a ribbon tab.
RibbonPanel The RibbonPanel class implement the RibbonPanel component that is the panel of the tab of the ribbon.
ScrollBar The ScrollBar class implements the ScrollBar component that is a scrollbar.
ScrollBox The ScrollBox class implements the ScrollBox component that is horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
SearchDialog The SearchDialog class implements the SearchDialog component that is a search dialog box.
Separator The Separator class implements separator between menu items.
ShadowDropPanel The ShadowDropPanel class implements the ShadowDropPanel component that is a drop-down panel with shadow.
ShortSeparator The ShortSeparator class implements the short separator between menu items.
SizeLegend The SizeLegend class implements a legend that describes size of visualizer items.
SignaturesEditor The SignaturesEditor class implements signature mask edit panel.
SlidePanel The SlidePanel class implements the SlidePanel, component that is a control consisting of three related panels: Header, Details, and View.
Slider The Slider class implements a control that enables the user to select a value from the range by moving slider along its container.
SliderItem The SliderItem class implements a slider for the Slider component.
SliderItemColor The SliderItemColor class implements a slider for the GradientSlider component.
SourceView The SourceView class is a base class that is used to work with views data.
Sparkline The Sparkline class implements the Sparkline component that represents a small chart placed in a particular table cell and is used to display table rows and columns.
SpectrumLegend The SpectrumLegend class implements a spectrum legend.
SpinEdit The SpinEdit class implements the SpinEdit component that is an editor with scroll buttons.
SplitButton The SplitButton class implements the SplitButton component that is a button that consists of two parts: the upper part is a button with an image, the bottom part is a button with a drop-down menu.
SplitMenuItem The SplitMenuItem class implements a menu item of the SplitButton component.
Splitter The Splitter class implements the Splitter component that is a separator between two or three panels.
Spoiler The Spoiler class implements the Spoiler component that is a drop-down panel with items.
StackPanel The StackPanel class implements the StackPanel component that is a container for placing elements one by one in a vertical column or a horizontal row.
TabControl The TabControl class implements the TabControl component - a control that includes several elements that use the same workspace.
TabControlArgs The TabControlArgs class implements arguments for events of the TabControl component.
TabItem The TabItem class implements the TabItem component that is a tab and a child item of the TabControl component.
TagCloud The TagCloud class implements the TagCloud component that is a tag cloud.
TagCloudItem The TagCloudItem class implements the TagCloudItem component that is a tag cloud item.
TextArea The TextArea class implements a text area.
TextBox The TextBox class implements a text box.
TextEditor The TextEditor class implements the TextEditor component used for text editing.
Timeline The Timeline class implements a timeline.
ToolBar The ToolBar class implements the ToolBar component that is a toolbar.
ToolBarButton The ToolBarButton class implements the ToolBarButton component that is a button which is a child element of the toolbar.
ToolBarSeparator The ToolBarSeparator class implements the ToolBarSeparator component that is a separator between toolbar items.
ToolTip The ToolTip class implements the ToolTip component that is a tooltip.
TreeDataVisualizer The TreeDataVisualizer class is a visualizer of hierarchical charts.
TreeChartMaster The TreeChartMaster class implements a base class for the TreeMapMaster and BubbleTreeMaster wizards.
TreeColorPanel The TreeColorPanel class implements the color panel in the TreeMapMaster and BubbleTreeMaster wizards.
TreeColumn The TreeColumn class implements columns of the TreeList component.
TreeColumns The TreeColumn class implements a collection of columns of the TreeList component.
TreeCombo The TreeCombo class implements the TreeCombo component that is used to show hierarchy as a drop-down list.
TreeItem The TreeItem class implements a tree item.
TreeLegendPanel The TreeLegendPanel class implements a legend panel in the TreeMapMaster and BubbleTreeMaster wizards.
TreeList The TreeList class implements the TreeList component that is used to show branched hierarchical structures.
TreeNode The TreeNode class implements an element of the nodes collection of the TreeList component.
TreeNodes The TreeNodes class implements API of the nodes collections of the TreeList component.


The TreeColorPanel class implements a size panel in the TreeMapMaster and BubbleTreeMaster wizards.


The TsSpliceDateEditor class is the date editor in the workbook.
VerticalBreadCrumb The VerticalBreadCrumb class is a base class for breadcrumb of combined hierarchy.
Waiter The Waiter class implements the Waiter component that is a loading progress bar.
WebGLControl The WebGLControl class implements the WebGLControl component that is the WebGL graphical control.
WelcomeScreen The WelcomeScreen class implements welcome screen displayed after web application login.
Window The Window class implements the Window component that is a window for placing custom contents.
Wizard The Wizard class is a base class of a wizard.
WizardStep The WizardStep class is an abstract class that encapsulates logic of each separate wizard step.

Static Methods

  Method name Brief description
animate The animate method starts object animation.
cropText The cropText method is used to crop the string if it does not fit into the item.
cropText2 The cropText2 method is used to merge and crop two strings if they do not fit into the item by width.
PP.Ui.fireEvent The fireEvent method fires the event of the DOM node.
getBordersHeight The getBordersHeight method returns the sum of heights of the item internal margins and borders in pixels.
getBordersWidth The getBordersWidth method returns total width of element paddings and borders in pixels.
getComboCaption The getComboCaption method returns the string received as a result of two cropped and merged strings on putting them in the item with selected width.
getConfig The getConfig method gets visual components' global settings object.
getCtrlById The getCtrlById method returns the control by identifier of the DOM node belonging to it.
getMarginsHeight The getMarginsHeight method returns height sum of internal and external margins and borders of item in pixels.
getMarginsWidth The getMarginsWidth method returns total width of element paddings, margins and borders in pixels.
getOffsetWidthNoMargins The getOffsetWidthNoMargins returns items width in pixels without taking into account internal and external margins and borders.
getPixelSize The getPixelSize method returns size value of the item style in pixels.
getRetinaUrl The getRetinaUrl method adds the .retina prefix to sent text.
getWidthOfElement The getWidthOfElement method returns string width occupied by the text in the item in pixels.
rotateNode The rotateNode method rotate the HTML item at the specified angle.
setEnblTo The setEnblTo method is used to select or deselect availability attribute of nodes.
showMessage The showMessage method creates and shows the dialog box.
toImage The toImage method screenshots the item area.


  Interface name Brief description
Rect The Rect interface is used to determine two-dimensional space rectangle parameters.


  Enum name Brief description
AreaSelectionAction The AreaSelectionAction enumeration contains actions on selection.
AreaSelectionType The AreaSelectionType enumeration contains forms of selection frames.
AxisLabelsMode The AxisLabelsMode enumeration contains modes of the axis labels.
AxisValuesMode The AxisValuesMode enumeration contains modes of the scale labels creation.
BorderComboMode The BorderComboMode enumeration contains displaying options for the combobox for selecting border type.
BorderComboTypesMode The BorderComboTypesMode enumeration contains the panel display mode options.
BorderType The BorderType enumeration contains borders display options.
ChartSerieInheritanceDataLabelsOptions The ChartSerieInheritanceDataLabelsOptions enumeration contains chart label settings.
ColorPanelMode The ColorPanelMode enumeration contains display modes of the ColorCombo component.
ColorPanelSpectrumMode The ColorPanelSpectrumMode enumeration contains display modes of the ColorCombo component spectrum.
CylinderLabelAlign The CylinderLabelAlign enumeration contains types of axis label horizontal alignments.
CylinderLabelPosition The CylinderLabelPosition enumeration contains types of axis label vertical alignments.
DataGridFormaterType The DataGridFormaterType enumeration contains types of object attributes transformation on formatting.
DropPanelArrowPosition The DropPanelArrowPosition enumeration contains versions of the arrow position towards the panel.
EaseMethods The EaseMethods enumeration contains methods of animation smoothing on playing.
FontBox.ControlsGroups The FontBox.ControlsGroups enumeration contains groups of FontBox component controls.
FontBox.PropertyName The FontBox.PropertyName enumeration contains names of font options.
IntervalsLegendColorApplying The IntervalsLegendColorApplying enumeration contains interval legend color visualization modes.
LegendItemsOrder The LegendItemsOrder enumeration contains legend items display modes.
LegendMarkerShape The LegendMarkerShape enumeration contains shapes of legend item markers.
LegendMode The LegendMode enumeration contains legend items display modes.
LegendPageMode The LegendPageMode enumeration contains modes of legend items split into pages.
LegendType The LegendType enumeration contains legend types.
LineTypes The LineTypes enumeration lists line types.
MessageType The MessageType enumeration contains types of dialog box.
MonthCalendarMode The MonthCalendarMode enumeration contains options of displaying the MonthCalendar, DateTimeEdit and DateTimePicker components.
NoDataPosition The NoDataPosition enumeration contains possible positions of No Data legend element.
RoundedCorners The RoundedCorners enumeration contains corner rounding versions.
ShareType The ShareType enumeration contains social networks, where the user can publish a link.
SizeLegendMarkerShape The SizeLegendMarkerShape enumeration contains markers forms of sizes legend.
SparklineViewMode The SparklineViewMode enumeration contains modes of data display on a sparkline.
SpectrumLegendTextPosition The SpectrumLegendTextPosition enumeration contains items text positions in the spectrum legend.
SpoilerPosition The SpoilerPosition enumeration contains directions of the panel expanding.
TabSheetMasterMode The TabSheetMasterMode enumeration specifies wizard type.
TagCloud.Shape The TagCloud.Shape enumeration contains form of distribution of tag cloud items.
TextEditorHyperlinkTarget The TextEditorHyperlinkTarget enumeration contains methods of opening a link.
TextWrapping The TextWrapping enumeration contains modes of wrapping the text to the next line.
TreeColumnType The TreeColumnType enumeration contains types of hierarchical tree column contents during sorting.
TSSelControlPos The TSSelControlPos enumeration contents positions of the item which will be shown on the table.
Visibility The Visibility enumeration contains object visibility options.

See also:

Class Library