Namespace contains classes of the visual controls.
Class name |
Brief description |
ActiveMenuItem |
The ActiveMenuItem class implements a menu item that is not highlighted on hovering, and which does not close the menu when clicked. |
Animation |
The Animation class implements animation of objects' properties and styles. |
AnimationPoint |
The AnimationPoint class implements animation played at a specific moment in time. |
AnimationPoints |
The AnimationPoints class implements a collection of animations played at specific moments in time. |
AnimationSequence |
The AnimationSequence class implements animations sequence. |
AppBox |
The AppBox class implements container of Foresight Analytics Platform web application. |
AreaSelection |
The AreaSelection class implements the selection frame. |
ArrowDropPanel |
The ArrowDropPanel class implements the ArrowDropPanel component, which is a drop-down panel with an arrow and random custom contents. |
Autocomplete |
The Autocomplete class implements the Autocomplete component that is used to autocomplete the text typed in by the user. |
AutoRefreshMenu |
The AutoRefreshMenu class implements autorefresh menu. |
AxisTick |
The AxisTick is used to work with a tick of cylinder axis. |
BCList |
The BCList class is a base class for working with collections of Breadcrumb component items. |
BorderCombo |
The BorderCombo class implements the BorderCombo component, that is, a drop-down menu for selecting border type. |
BorderLayout |
The BorderLayout class implements the BorderLayout component, which is a layout to place components inside the container relative to its borders. |
BorderTypeCombo |
The BorderTypeCombo class implements basic settings of border editor. |
Breadcrumb |
The Breadcrumb class implements the Breadcrumb component that is used to create an object breadcrumb. |
BreadcrumbItem |
The BreadcrumbItem class implements an item of the Breadcrumb component. |
BreadcrumbItemsList |
The BreadcrumbItemsList class implements a collection of the Breadcrumb component items. |
BreadcrumbSelectedItemsList |
The BreadcrumbSelectedItemsList class implements a collection of items selected in the Breadcrumb component. |
BubbleChartMasterSize |
The BubbleChartMasterSize class implements the Size tab in the bubble chart wizard of express report. |
Button |
The Button class implements the Button component that is a button. |
Canvas |
The Canvas class implements the Canvas component that is a canvas for drawing items. |
CanvasHTMLRenderer |
The CanvasHTMLRenderer class renders the DOM tree structure. |
CanvasLabel |
The CanvasLabel class is used to work with a label on canvas. |
CellPicker |
The CellPicker class implements the CellPicker component that is used to select the number of table rows and columns. |
ChangePasswordDialog |
The ChangePasswordDialog component is a dialog box where the user can change password. |
Chart |
The Chart class is used to work with a chart based on the Canvas element. |
ChartBreadcrumb |
The ChartBreadcrumb class implements breadcrumb for navigating through levels of the tree map items. |
ChartBreadcrumbItem |
The ChartBreadcrumbItem class implements breadcrumb for navigating through levels of the tree map items. |
ChartCommon |
The ChartCommon class implements the Chart page in the chart setup wizard. |
ChartLabel |
The ChartLabel class determines a text label. |
ChartMaster |
The ChartMaster class implements the ChartMaster component that is a chart setup wizard. |
ChartMasterFoundation |
The ChartMasterFoundation class is a base class for chart wizard. |
CheckBox |
The CheckBox class implements the CheckBox component that is a checkbox. |
Clipboard |
The Clipboard class is a clipboard. |
ColorCombo |
The ColorCombo class implements the ColorCombo component that is a drop-down list for color selection. |
ColorLegendBase |
The ColorLegendBase class implements a base class of the legends that work with color factors. |
ColorPanel |
The ColorPanel class implements the ColorPanel component that is a panel for color selection. |
Combo |
The Combo class implements the Combo component that is an editor with a drop-down panel. |
ComboBox |
The ComboBox class implements the ComboBox component that is a drop-down list. |
ConfigClass |
The ConfigClass class contains global settings of visual components. |
Container |
The Container class is a base class of container objects. |
Control |
The Control class is a base class of visual components, common class for visual and non-visual components. |
Cylinder |
The Cylinder class is used to work with cylinder. |
CylinderGaugeAxis |
The CylinderGaugeAxis class is used to work with cylinder axis. |
CylinderGaugeValue |
The CylinderGaugeValue class is used to work with cylinder value. |
CylinderHeader |
The CylinderHeader class is used to work with cylinder header. |
CylinderTrend |
The CylinderTrend class is used to work with a trend line of cylinder. |
DataGrid |
The DataGrid class is used to work with a table. |
DataGridRectangle |
The DataGridRectangle class is used to work with a table rectangle. |
DataGridSelection |
The DataGridSelection class is used to work with table lines selecting. |
DataVisualizer |
The DataVisualizer class is a base class for visualizers of Foresight Analytics Platform. |
DataVisualizerContainer |
The DataVisualizerContainer class implements the visual components container. |
DateTimeEdit |
The DateTimeEdit class implements the DateTimeEdit component that is a date and time editor. |
DateTimePicker |
The DateTimePicker class implements the DateTimePicker component that is a date and time editor with a drop-down calendar for date selection. |
DGFormater |
The DGFormater class is used to format table data. |
Dialog |
The Dialog class implements a dialog box. |
DiscussMenu |
The DiscussMenu class implements the Share menu that is used to publish a link to a repository object to social networks. |
DropPanel |
The DropPanel class implements the DropPanel component that is a drop-down panel with custom contents. |
DVSyncManager |
The DVSyncManager class is used to synchronize visual components. |
FileUpload |
The FileUpload class implements the FileUpload component. |
FlexLayout |
The FlexLayout class implements the FlexLayout component that is a flexible layout to place components inside the container. |
FontBox |
The FontBox class implements the FontBox component that is used to set up text parameters. |
FontComboBox |
The FontComboBox class implements the FontComboBox component that is,a drop-down list for font selection. |
FontDialog |
The FontDialog class implements the FontDialog component that is a standard font selection dialog box. |
FontTools |
The FontTools class implements text parameter setup panel. |
GaugeCenterLabel |
The GaugeCenterLabel class implements speedometer central text label. |
GradientSlider |
The GradientSlider class implements a gradient control for selecting a value by moving sliders. |
GridPanel |
The GridPanel class implements the GridPanel component that is a table for placing components. |
HighlightEffect |
The HighlightEffect class implements an effect of item highlighting. |
Hyperlink |
The Hyperlink class implements the Hyperlink component that is a hyperlink. |
IconListItem |
The IconListItem class implements the IconListItem component that is a list item that consists of icons. |
ImagePreloader |
The ImagePreloader class is used to load several images. |
InfoWindow |
The InfoWindow class implements an information window. |
InfoWindowPanel |
The InfoWindowPanel class implements an information window panel. |
IntervalsLegend |
The IntervalsLegend class implements visualizer legend with intervals. |
Label |
The Label class implements the Label component that is a label. |
LayoutBox |
The LayoutBox class implements the LayoutBox component that is a container for components represented by the table. |
LegendBase |
The LegendBase class implements a base class of the legend. |
LegendHeader |
The LegendHeader class implements legend header. |
LegendToolTip |
The LegendToolTip class implements legend tooltip. |
LineLabel |
The LineLabel class implements the LineLabel component that is a label with line. |
ListBox |
The ListBox class implements the ListBox component that is a list. |
ListItem |
The ListItem class implements the ListItem component that is an element of list. |
LongListBox |
The LongListBox class implements the LongListBox component that is a grouped list. |
LongListItem |
The LongListItem class implements the LongListItem component that is an element of grouped list. |
MainMenu |
The MainMenu class implements the MainMenu component that is a main menu. |
MainMenuButton |
The MainMenuButton class implements a child item of the main menu, namely, button. |
MainPanel |
The MainPanel class implements the MainPanel component that is a drop-down panel with menu. |
MainPanelItem |
The MainPanelItem class implements the MainPanelItem component that is the drop-down menu item. |
MapArrowBase |
The MapArrowBase class is an abstract class presenting basic properties of system arrows. |
MapArrowLabelPanel |
The MapArrowLabelPanel class is used to work with settings of arrow labels on a map. |
MapMaster |
The MapMaster class implements the MapMaster component that is a wizard to work with a map. |
MapMaster.AreaVisualPanel |
The MapMaster.AreaVisualPanel class implements the Color panel of map wizard. |
MapMaster.LegendPanel |
The MapMaster.LegendPanel class implements the Legend panel of map wizard. |
MapMaster.Visual3DPanel |
The MapMaster.Visual3DPanel class implements the Height Indicator panel of map wizard. |
MapObject |
The MapObject class implements an abstract object on a map. |
MapSizeLegendPanel |
The MapSizeLegendPanel class is the Height Legend panel of map wizard. |
MaskEdit |
The MaskEdit class implements the MaskEdit component that is an editor that is used to enter data corresponding to a certain pattern. |
Master |
The Master class is a base class for wizards. |
MasterPanel |
The MasterPanel class is an abstract class of a wizard panel. |
MasterBorderTypeCombo |
The MasterBorderTypeCombo class implements border editor of map labels on the side panel. |
Menu |
The Menu class implements the Menu component that is used to open a context menu. |
MenuHeader |
The MenuHeader class implements the menu header. |
MenuItem |
The MenuItem class implements the child component of the menu. |
Message |
The Message class implements the Message component that is a dialog box with an icon. |
MetabaseListItem |
The MetabaseListItem class implements an item of repository objects list. |
MetabaseOpenDialog |
The MetabaseOpenDialog class implements the dialog box of object opening from metabase. |
MiniMap |
The MiniMap class implements the map zoom panel. |
MonthCalendar |
The MonthCalendar class implements the MonthCalendar component that is a calendar for date and time selection. |
NavigationBar |
The NavigationBar class implements the NavigationBar component that is the property panel that is used to navigate through the properties of active component and to manage properties. |
NavigationItem |
The NavigationItem class implements the NavigationItem component that is the a child item of the NavigationBar component - tab with a drop-down panel. |
NumberEdit |
The NumberEdit class implements the NumberEdit component that is a value editor with scroll buttons. |
NumberEditValidateArgs |
The NumberEditValidateArgs class implements arguments of the NumberEdit.Validate event for the NumberEdit component. |
Panel |
The Panel class implements the Panel component that is a panel for placing components. |
ParallelCoordinates |
The ParallelCoordinates class implements the ParallelCoordinates component that is a chart with parallel coordinates. |
ParetoDialog |
The ParetoDialog class implements a dialog box for setting up Pareto data distribution. |
PCArea |
The PCArea class implements the draw area of the chart with parallel coordinates. |
PCAxis |
The PCAxis class is an axis of the chart with parallel coordinates. |
PCLine |
The PCLine class is a line of the chart with parallel coordinates. |
PCObject |
The PCObject class is a base class for chart visual items with parallel coordinates. |
PCVisual |
The PCVisual class is intended to match data of the chart with parallel coordinates to its sizes. |
PlacedControlBase |
The PlacedControlBase class implements a base class of visual controls. |
ProgressBar |
The ProgressBar class implements the ProgressBar component that is used to show progress in execution of time-consuming operations. |
RadioButton |
The RadioButton class implements the RadioButton component that is a radio button to select one of mutually exclusive alternatives. |
RangeSlider |
The GradientSlider class implements a control that is used to select value range by moving sliders. |
RatingChart |
The RatingChart class implements a ranking chart. |
Ribbon |
The Ribbon class implements the Ribbon component that is a ribbon. |
RibbonButton |
The RibbonButton class implements the RibbonButton component that is a ribbon button of the application. |
RibbonCategory |
The RibbonCategory class implements the RibbonCategory component that is a ribbon tab. |
RibbonPanel |
The RibbonPanel class implement the RibbonPanel component that is the panel of the tab
of the ribbon. |
ScrollBar |
The ScrollBar class implements the ScrollBar component that is a scrollbar. |
ScrollBox |
The ScrollBox class implements the ScrollBox component that is horizontal and vertical scrollbars. |
SearchDialog |
The SearchDialog class implements the SearchDialog component that is a search dialog box. |
Separator |
The Separator class implements separator between menu items. |
ShadowDropPanel |
The ShadowDropPanel class implements the ShadowDropPanel component that is a drop-down panel with shadow. |
ShortSeparator |
The ShortSeparator class implements the short separator between menu items. |
SizeLegend |
The SizeLegend class implements a legend that describes size of visualizer items. |
SignaturesEditor |
The SignaturesEditor class implements signature mask edit panel. |
SlidePanel |
The SlidePanel class implements the SlidePanel, component that is a control consisting of three related panels: Header, Details, and View. |
Slider |
The Slider class implements a control that enables the user to select a value from the range by moving slider along its container. |
SliderItem |
The SliderItem class implements a slider for the Slider component. |
SliderItemColor |
The SliderItemColor class implements a slider for the GradientSlider component. |
SourceView |
The SourceView class is a base class that is used to work with views data. |
Sparkline |
The Sparkline class implements the Sparkline component that represents a small chart placed in a particular table cell and is used to display table rows and columns. |
SpectrumLegend |
The SpectrumLegend class implements a spectrum legend. |
SpinEdit |
The SpinEdit class implements the SpinEdit component that is an editor with scroll buttons. |
SplitButton |
The SplitButton class implements the SplitButton component that is a button that consists of two parts: the upper part is a button with an image, the bottom part is a button with a drop-down menu. |
SplitMenuItem |
The SplitMenuItem class implements a menu item of the SplitButton component. |
Splitter |
The Splitter class implements the Splitter component that is a separator between two or three panels. |
Spoiler |
The Spoiler class implements the Spoiler component that is a drop-down panel with items. |
StackPanel |
The StackPanel class implements the StackPanel component that is a container for placing elements one by one in a vertical column or a horizontal row. |
TabControl |
The TabControl class implements the TabControl component - a control that includes several elements that use the same workspace. |
TabControlArgs |
The TabControlArgs class implements arguments for events of the TabControl component. |
TabItem |
The TabItem class implements the TabItem component that is a tab and a child item of the TabControl component. |
TagCloud |
The TagCloud class implements the TagCloud component that is a tag cloud. |
TagCloudItem |
The TagCloudItem class implements the TagCloudItem component that is a tag cloud item. |
TextArea |
The TextArea class implements a text area. |
TextBox |
The TextBox class implements a text box. |
TextEditor |
The TextEditor class implements the TextEditor component used for text editing. |
Timeline |
The Timeline class implements a timeline. |
ToolBar |
The ToolBar class implements the ToolBar component that is a toolbar. |
ToolBarButton |
The ToolBarButton class implements the ToolBarButton component that is a button which is a child element of the toolbar. |
ToolBarSeparator |
The ToolBarSeparator class implements the ToolBarSeparator component that is a separator between toolbar items. |
ToolTip |
The ToolTip class implements the ToolTip component that is a tooltip. |
TreeDataVisualizer |
The TreeDataVisualizer class is a visualizer of hierarchical charts. |
TreeChartMaster |
The TreeChartMaster class implements a base class for the TreeMapMaster and BubbleTreeMaster wizards. |
TreeColorPanel |
The TreeColorPanel class implements the color panel in the TreeMapMaster and BubbleTreeMaster wizards. |
TreeColumn |
The TreeColumn class implements columns of the TreeList component. |
TreeColumns |
The TreeColumn class implements a collection of columns of the TreeList component. |
TreeCombo |
The TreeCombo class implements the TreeCombo component that is used to show hierarchy as a drop-down list. |
TreeItem |
The TreeItem class implements a tree item. |
TreeLegendPanel |
The TreeLegendPanel class implements a legend panel in the TreeMapMaster and BubbleTreeMaster wizards. |
TreeList |
The TreeList class implements the TreeList component that is used to show branched hierarchical structures. |
TreeNode |
The TreeNode class implements an element of the nodes collection of the TreeList component. |
TreeNodes |
The TreeNodes class implements API of the nodes collections of the TreeList component. |
TreeSizePanel |
The TreeColorPanel class implements a size panel in the TreeMapMaster and BubbleTreeMaster wizards. |
TsSpliceDateEditor |
The TsSpliceDateEditor class is the date editor in the workbook. |
VerticalBreadCrumb |
The VerticalBreadCrumb class is a base class for breadcrumb of combined hierarchy. |
Waiter |
The Waiter class implements the Waiter component that is a loading progress bar. |
WebGLControl |
The WebGLControl class implements the WebGLControl component that is the WebGL graphical control. |
WelcomeScreen |
The WelcomeScreen class implements welcome screen displayed after web application login. |
Window |
The Window class implements the Window component that is a window for placing custom contents. |
Wizard |
The Wizard class is a base class of a wizard. |
WizardStep |
The WizardStep class is an abstract class that encapsulates logic of each separate wizard step. |