
Assembly: Chart;


The IChartCircleExInfo interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of a pie chart with the secondary pie or histogram.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
Background The Background property determines parameters for the fill of a merged series group.
BorderPen The BorderPen property determines parameters for the border line of a merged series group.
CollapseLegendItems The CollapseLegendItems property determines legend display parameters.
ConnectionLinePen The ConnectionLinePen property determines parameters for a connecting line between the primary and the secondary charts.
CustomSerieGroup The CustomSerieGroup property determines a custom group of series, which are included in a series merge.
DisplayShadow The DisplayShadow property determines whether a master chart shadow is displayed.
Distance The Distance property determines the distance between the primary and the secondary charts.
GroupingRule The GroupingRule property determines a series grouping order for the secondary chart.
GroupingValue The GroupingValue property determines the parameter value for series grouping for the secondary chart.
GroupName The GroupName property determines a name of a merged series group on the primary chart.
ImageMap The ImageMap property returns hypertext string that is used to form an HTML file. This property is used to create series tooltip.
Label The Label property returns parameters for the label of a merged group of series.
PieDistanceCoef The PieDistanceCoef property determines the distance from the center of the primary chart to a segment of a merged series group.
SecondaryRadius The SecondaryRadius property determines the size of the secondary chart.
Shadow The Shadow property determines parameters for primary chart shadow.
ShowMode The ShowMode property determines secondary chart display modes.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces