Setting Links with Cube Parameters

Links are used to manage cube parameters using calculation algorithm parameters. When cubes are used in calculation algorithm blocks, algorithm parameter values will be sent to linked parameters of these cubes.

Links between calculation algorithm parameters and cube parameters can be set on the Manage Cube Parameters page in the calculation algorithm settings editing wizard:

To link a calculation algorithm parameter and a cube parameter:

  1. Click the Add button.

    After executing the operation the Select Cube dialog box opens:

    Select the cube with parameters that will be used to bind with calculation algorithm parameters, and click the Apply button.

To find a cube, start typing partial or full cube name in the search field. After executing the operation the side panel displays the cubes, which names satisfy search conditions.

  1. Select cube parameter.

  2. Click the Bind button. The Calculation Parameter Link dialog box opens:

Select the calculation algorithm parameter to be bound with cube parameter and click the OK button.

Parameters with the same data type can be bound, and also all parameters with the Selection type.

As a result, the calculation algorithm parameter will be bound with the cube parameter. Set links for all required cube parameters.

TIP. To automatically create links between parameters, click the Bind All button.

After links are set, one can work with cube parameters via calculation algorithm parameters.

If a cube is used in a block, and its parameters are bound with calculation algorithm parameters, when calculation algorithm parameter value is changed, the message is displayed prompting to check again algorithm calculation settings.

To unbind parameters, select the bound cube parameter and click the Unbind button.

To remove the cube from the calculation algorithm, select it in the list and click the Remove button.

See also:

Calculation Algorithm Settings