In this article:

Adding Text

Adding a Shape

Setting Up Object Fill and Borders

Formatting Calculation Algorithm

To visually structure calculation algorithm elements, use the following objects:

Adding Text

To add text to the working area:

  1. Click the Add Text button on the toolbar.

After executing the operation a text block is added to the working area, and a popup panel with formatting settings is displayed:

  1. Double-click the text box to open it in the edit mode and enter a custom text for calculation algorithm blocks and objects.

  2. Set up text formatting on the popup panel:

NOTE. Several font styles can be used at the same time.

  1. Set up fill and borders of text block.

After executing the operations the specified text is added to the working area.

Adding a Shape

To add a shape to the working area:

  1. Select shape type in the drop-down menu of the Add Shape button on the toolbar:

After executing the operation a shape is added to the working area, and a popup panel with formatting settings is displayed:

  1. If required, double-click the shape to open it in the edit mode and enter a custom text. A text will be positioned at the center of the shape by default. Set up text formatting using the popup panel similarly to setting up text block formatting.

  1. Set up fill and borders of shape.

NOTE. It is allowed to set up only borders for arrows and lines.

After executing the operations a shape will be added to the working area.

Setting Up Object Fill and Borders

To set up object fill and borders:

  1. Select the object.

  2. Select one of the operations on the popup panel:

NOTE. Fill settings are available only for text and rectangle.

NOTE. Changing font color is available only for text.

After executing one of the operations a standard color palette opens:

  1. Select color from the standard color palette. To select the other color, use advanced settings.

Advanced Color Settings

  1. Change color transparency degree:

  1. Change border type and width in the Border Type section:

Border width is set in points.

After executing the operations object fill and borders are set up.

See also:

Building Calculation Algorithm