Data Filtering Examples

When a calculation block is calculated, a number of filtering conditions is applied to data consumer. Along with data consumer dimension element filtering, one can use filters for additional filtering by data of these cubes having shared dimensions with the data consumer.

The following is taken into account in filtering:

Shared dimension element selection is filtered in the following order: the first filter filters data, then the second filter filters the output data, and so on till the last filter. When data is calculated, data consumer dimension element selection is combined with filter output selection.

One can also use additional dimension filtering specified in advanced filter to manage data consumer and filter dimension element selections.

Consider examples of combining different data filtering conditions in data consumer.

Data Filtering with One Filter

Source data of data consumer and filter having shared dimensions:

Calculation formula in use:

Data source is nit set.

If full dimension selection is set in the data consumer and the filters, and the Exclude Dimension checkbox is deselected for filter dimensions, data consumer data will be calculated by filter data:

If partial dimension selection is set in the data consumer (Element 4 is excluded from the selection), partial dimension selection is set in the filter (A and Element 2 are excluded from the selection), and the Exclude Dimension checkbox is deselected for filter dimensions, data consumer data will be calculated by filter data:

The example of the same case but when the Exclude Dimension checkbox is selected for the Elements dimensions of the filter:

Data Filtering with Two Filters

Source data of data consumer, data provider, and filter having shared dimensions:

Data consumer and data provider are bound by dimension keys. The data provider is used as the second filter.

Calculation formula in use:

If full dimension selection is set in the data consumer and filters, and the Exclude Dimension checkbox is deselected for filter dimensions, data consumer data will be calculated by data of filter:

If partial dimension selection is set in the data consumer (Element 4), partial dimension selection is set in the first filter (A and Element 2 are excluded from the selection), and partial dimension selection is set in the second filter (D is excluded from the selection) , and the Exclude Dimension checkbox is deselected for filter dimensions, data consumer data will be calculated by filter data:

The example of the same case but when the Exclude Dimension checkbox is selected for the Elements dimension of the first filter:

See also:

Setting Up Data Filtering