To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Setting Up Aggregation

Aggregation setup determines, data by dimensions will be aggregated and by which method.

Aggregation can be set up on the Aggregation page in the aggregation block editing wizard:

To set up dimension aggregation:

  1. Select the dimension to be aggregated.

  2. Click the Edit button or double-click the scenario. The Set Up Aggregation dialog box opens, in which set dimension aggregation parameters.

  3. If alternative hierarchy is set for the dimension, if required, select alternative hierarchy to calculate by alternative dictionary elements instead of the elements of the source dictionary or set up dynamic selection of alternative hierarchy depending on the parameter attribute by specifying alternative hierarchy option in the Set Up Alternative Hierarchy dialog box.

Open the dialog box

Set the parameters:

An alternative hierarchy source can also be selected in the dimension's context menu.

After executing the operations, after the fixed or the dynamic alternative hierarchy is selected, the icon is displayed next to the dimension. To reset alternative hierarchy and return to standard dimension hierarchy, select the Reset item in the dimension's context menu.

As a result, dimension aggregation is set up. If required, similarly set up aggregation for the next dimension.

To delete the selected aggregation settings, click the Delete button.

Setting Up Dimension Aggregation

To set up dimension aggregation parameters, use the Set Up Aggregation dialog box:

Setup order:

  1. Select a destination level in the dimension, for which aggregation is set up. Use the Destination Level drop-down list. If the [All Levels] element is selected as a level, aggregation will be set up for all levels including those that can appear later.

  2. Determine aggregation method in the Aggregation Method drop-down list. For details about available aggregation methods, see the Aggregation Methods section.

  3. Determine source levels for aggregation.

To determine source levels automatically, select the Automatically Determine Source Levels (Child Elements) checkbox.

To determine source levels manually, make sure that the Automatically Determine Source Levels (Child Elements) checkbox is deselected and select checkboxes of all required levels.

If aggregation is set up for all levels, source levels are always determined automatically.

  1. Determine method of saving aggregated data at the destination level. Use the Save Aggregated Data group of radio buttons:

  1. Determine empty values handling method. Use the Handle Empty Values group of radio buttons:

  1. Determine whether the destination level value should be taken into account on aggregation calculation. By default, aggregation is calculated taking into account destination level. If this value is required to be excluded from aggregation, deselect the Include Owner Value checkbox.

As a result, aggregation for the selected dimension is set up.

Features of Aggregation Calculation

If there are breaks in the selection, data is aggregated with jump to the level. A selection break occurs when child elements are selected, but their parent elements are no selected. In this case data of child elements of the non-selected parent element is used to calculate the next parent element.

For example, there is the hierarchy, in which there are breaks in elements selection:

Data is aggregated with jump to the level as follows:

Step The Include Owner Value checkbox is selected. The Include Owner Value checkbox is deselected.
Lower level value is calculated.
  Item 1.1 = Item 1.1 + item 1.1.1 + item 1.1.2 Item 1.1 = item 1.1.1 + item 1.1.2
Upper level value is calculated
  Item 2 = Item 2+ item 2.1.1 + 2.1.2 Item 2 = item 2.1.1 + 2.1.2
  Item 3 = Item 3 + item 3.1.1 Item 3 = item 3.1.1
Root element value is calculated
  Root = Root + item 1.1 + item 1.3 + item 2 + item 3 Root = item 1.1 + item 1.3 + item 2 + item 3

Aggregation Methods

The following methods are available to aggregate dimension in matrix aggregation model:

See also:

Getting Started with the Calculation Algorithms Extension in the Web Application | Inserting and Setting Up Aggregation Blocks