In this article:

Adding an Element

Editing Element

Data Import

Data Export

Deleting Element

Deleting All Elements

Features of MDM Dictionary Clearing

Filling MDM Dictionary with Data

To fill an MDM dictionary with data, add elements or import data from table using an import schema.

If required, export dictionary data to table using an export schema.

NOTE. Working with elements is available on opening MDM dictionary for edit.

Adding an Element

To add an element, select the parent element in the element tree and execute one of the operations:

NOTE. The command for adding an element is unavailable if the Elements Have Access Permissions checkbox is selected, and the user is not included in any of the label groups that have effective permissions to add elements to the current dictionary.

After executing the operations the Add Dictionary Element dialog box opens in the web application or the Dictionary Element Properties dialog box in the desktop application.

The dialog box view depends on dictionary attributes and on dictionary display mode.

To add an element, determine attribute values if they are not hidden:

For details about changing a display view of the Dictionary Element Properties dialog box, see the Replacing Predefined Dialog Box View section.

To add an element from source dictionary to composite MDM dictionary in the desktop application, select an element in the Source Dictionary Elements area and execute one of the operations:

After executing the operation the element is added to the composite MDM dictionary.

Features of adding elements

Features of working with string/text attribute value

Editing Element

To edit the selected element:

The Dictionary Element Properties dialog box opens.

Change attribute values specified on adding an element.

NOTE. When editing dictionary element, one cannot change values of imported attributes and default calculated values.

Data Import

NOTE. It is available only in the desktop application.

Import means loading data from the table to the dictionary.

To import data, click the Import Data button on the toolbar. Select import schema in the Select Import Schema dialog box. Import schemas are created on the Import tab of the dictionary editing window.

TIP. After importing data it is recommended to refresh the element tree.

Features of import taking into account access permissions:

Data Export

NOTE. It is available only in the desktop application.

Export means unloading data from the dictionary to a table.

To export data, click the Export Dictionary button on the toolbar. Select export schema in the Select Export Schema dialog box. Export schemas are created on the Export tab of the dictionary editing window.

The dictionary is exported considering access permissions. The user can export only the elements, which he is allowed to read.

Deleting Element

To delete the selected element:

After selecting the item the confirmation of deleting all elements of the selected dictionary element will be required.

NOTE. Parent elements are deleted together with child elements.

Deleting All Elements

NOTE. It is available only in the desktop application.

Click the Clear Dictionary button on the toolbar to delete all elements.

A request to delete all MDM dictionary elements will be displayed. An information message is displayed after the dictionary is cleared.

If an error occurred during the clear, a dialog box with a corresponding message is displayed. Click the Details button to show the text of error. To skip deleting of the current element, click the Skip button. To skip deleting of the current element and all further elements, deleting of which may cause such errors, click the Skip All button.

Features of MDM Dictionary Clearing

When clearing an MDM dictionary, the dialog box, which contents depends on MDM dictionary type and set parameters, opens. The dialog box can contain checkboxes:

The checkbox is displayed on clearing of:

When clearing of a dictionary with configured forming of elements actual period a confirmation about clearing of the dictionary is required.

See also:

Working with Dictionary