
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabase interface contains properties and methods of a collection of repository objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy




This interface contains main properties and methods that are used to manage repository objects and to access various tools of Foresight Analytics Platform.

If repository connection is executed by using the application code, the IMetabaseDefinition.Open or IMetabaseDefinition.OpenDefault method returns access to repository. To get access to repository, to which connection is already established from platform interface, use the Active static property of the MetabaseClass class.


  Property name Brief description
Cache The Cache property returns the repository cache contents.
CacheAutoClear The CacheAutoClear property determines whether the mode of automatic cache clearing on working in the repository is used.
Classes The Classes property returns the collection of repository objects classes.
CompileAssemblyOnly The CompileAssemblyOnly property determines whether compilation of forms/modules is possible beyond assemblies.
CurrentDomainSubjectAddState The CurrentDomainSubjectAddState property determines settings of adding domain security subjects.
CurrentLocale The CurrentLocale property determines the current repository language.
DefaultLocale The DefaultLocale property determines repository language by default.
DeferredLoading The DeferredLoading property returns whether deferred loading of repository objects is enabled.
Definition The Definition property returns the current repository description, stored in repositories manager.
ElementDependenciesDatabase The ElementDependenciesDatabase property returns an object meant for working with object dependencies on MDM dictionary elements.
ElementDependentsDatabase The ElementDependentsDatabase property returns links of dictionary elements to repository objects.
ExceptionHandler The ExceptionHandler property determines an exception errors handler that is used when working in the repository.
ExceptionMailAddress The ExceptionMailAddress property determines the e-mail address which will be substituted on sending messages about the errors of the platform.
IsScreenshotSupported The IsScreenshotSupported property returns whether objects can be displayed as icons.
IsShared The IsShared property returns whether settings for operating the version control system are available.
Item The Item property returns description of a repository object by its key.
ItemById The ItemById property returns description of a repository object by its identifier.
ItemByIdNamespace The ItemByIdNamespace property returns description of the object that any object-container contains.
LogonSession The LogonSession property returns information about the current session with the repository.
Mode The Mode property determines by which method the connection to the repository was established.
PrivateFolder The PrivateFolder property returns private folder of the current user.
PrivateFolderRoot The PrivateFolderRoot property returns the root folder for users' private folders.
Profiles The Profiles property returns the collection of profiles of the repository users.
Root The Root property returns description of the repository root.
Security The Security property returns settings of security manager of the current repository.
SingleUserMode The SingleUserMode property returns whether single user mode is used in repository.
SpecialObject The SpecialObject property determines the repository object that is a special one.
SpecialObjects The SpecialObjects property returns collection of special repository objects.
UseReservedKeys The UseReservedKeys property determines the number of keys to be reserved for usage in the platform.

Properties inherited from INamedEntityModel

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property returns the object identifier.
Key The Key property returns the object key.
Name The Name property returns the object name.


  Method name Brief description
AbandonMerge The AbandonMerge method suspends solution of occurred conflicts to check in other object changes.
Bind The Bind method returns the structure of a repository object.
CheckInEx The CheckInEx method publishes the changes of an objects group.
CheckInFiles The CheckInFiles method checks in changes in the specified objects.
ClearDocumentCacheFiles The ClearDocumentCacheFiles clears cache of documents.
CopyObject The CopyObject method copies the specified object.
CreateCheckList The CreateCheckList method creates the list that is used for calculating and checking repository objects checksums.
CreateCodeBlock The CreateCodeBlock method returns the object, containing a code on Fore.
CreateCopyInfo The CreateCopyInfo method enables creating an object to copy by certain parameters.
CreateCreateInfo The CreateCreateInfo method creates information for a new object.
CreateFindInfo The CreateFindInfo method enables creating an object to search repository objects.
CreateObject The CreateObject method creates a new object.
CreateUpdate The CreateUpdate method creates an object of update.
DeleteObject The DeleteObject method deletes an object by its key.
DeleteObjectO The DeleteObject method deletes links to repository objects.
FetchItem The FetchItem method returns the description of the object or the object, for which the deferred loading of the description attribute is set by the key.
FetchItemById The FetchItemByld method returns the description of the object or the object, for which the deferred loading of the description attribute is set by the identifier.
FetchItems The FetchItems method returns descriptions of objects or objects for which the deferred loading of descriptions attribute is set, by keys.
FetchItemsById The FetchItemsByld method returns description of the specified collection of objects, and loads descriptions of specified linked objects.
Find The Find method searches object (objects) corresponding to search conditions.
GenerateId The GenerateId method generates a unique identifier within current repository.
GenerateKey The GenerateKey method generates a unique key within current repository.
GetConnectedUsers The GetConnectedUsers method enables getting information about the users that are connected to the repository.
GetConnectedUsersEx The GetConnectedUsersEx method enables getting information about active users that are connected to the repository.
GetCurrentStamp The GetCurrentStamp method returns the current date and time of DBMS server, which hosts the repository.
GetCurrentStampMS The GetCurrentStampMS method returns the current date and time of DBMS server, which hosts the repository, up to milliseconds.
GetItems The GetItems method returns collection of objects descriptions by keys.
GetObjectKeyById The GetObjectKeyById method returns a unique object key by its identifier.
GetObjectKeyByIdNamespace The GetObjectKeyByIdNamespace method returns the key of the object, located in the specified container by its identifier.
GetPendingChangesVCS The GetPendingChangesVCS method returns collection of the objects, extracted for editing in a version control system.
GetPendingCheckins The GetPendingCheckins method returns a description of all repository objects, that are taken for editing.
IsDisconnected The IsDisconnected method returns that there is no connection with the DB server.
MoveObject The MoveObject method moves the specified object.
PullPush The PullPush method synchronizes the obtained server version with the current version and sends object changes to server.
Refresh The Refresh method refreshes an objects tree of the current repository.
RefreshO The RefreshO method refreshes the repository by the specified parameters.
RequestLicense The RequestLicense method returns feature.
ReserveKeys The ReserveKeys method reserves the specified number of keys for usage in the analytical platform.
ResolveConflict The ResolveConflict method opens the WinMerge application to resolve the conflict occurred on object changes check-in.
UndoCheckOutEx The UndoCheckOutEx method cancels the changes and returns the previous version of objects.
UndoCheckOutFiles The UndoCheckOutFiles method undoes changes in the specified objects.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces