

The ScreenshotType enumeration is used to determine a type of the image when viewing repository objects.

It is used by the following properties and methods:


Preview is presenting of repository objects as extra large icons. Preview as an image of the first page is available for reports created by means of the following tools: DashboardsAnalytical Queries (OLAP)Reports and Time Series Analysis.

In the designer of business applications element appearance in the navigator is determined on setting up custom object display parameters.

Available Values

Value Brief description
1 Default_. Default value. Type of preview image - PNG of any size.
2 Emf. Type of preview image - EMF.
3 Custom. Extra large icons. Type of preview image - PNG. An image is not updated on saving a report.
4 CustomM. Large icons. Type of preview image - PNG. An image is not updated on saving a report.
5 CustomS. Small icons. Type of preview image - PNG. An image is not updated on saving a report.

NOTE. The CustomM and CustomS values are used only to determine a type of specified object thumbnail in the designer of business applications.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Enumerations