
Assembly: Rds;


The IRdsCompoundDictionary interface contains properties and methods of the Composite MDM Dictionary section.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
CheckDublicates The CheckDublicates property determines whether similar elements can be added from sources into the composite MDM dictionary.
Sources The Sources property returns a collection of dictionaries that are data sources for this composite MDM dictionary.

Properties inherited from IRdsDictionary

  Property name Brief description
AbacSecured The AbacSecured property determines whether MDM dictionary elements have attribute-based access permissions.
Attributes The Attributes property returns a collection of MDM dictionary attributes.
Compound The Compound property returns whether MDM dictionary is composite.
Database The Database property determines a database that stores dictionary data.
DatabaseInstance The DatabaseInstance property returns contents of the database that stores MDM dictionary data.

The DefaultElementKey property determines a default element by its key.

DerivedFrom The property is under development.
Distributed The Distributed property determines whether an attribute that contains a unique identifier of elements in the MDM dictionary is available.
DynamicDimInstance The DynamicDimInstance property determines whether dynamic loading of the MDM dictionary elements is used.
EditElementCallbackFore The EditElementCallbackFore property sets a method to replace standard view of the Dictionary Element Properties dialog box with the custom one in the desktop application.
EditElementCallbackJS The EditElementCallbackJS property sets JS function to replace standard view of the Dictionary Element Properties dialog box with the custom one in the web application.
ExportSchemas The ExportSchemas property returns the collection of export schemes of the MDM dictionary.
HasDimMultipleValues The HasDimMultipleValues property determines whether multiple values are loaded to IDimAttributeInstance.
HasMandatoryAccess The HasMandatoryAccess property determines whether mandatory access control is used for MDM dictionary elements.
Hierarchical The Hierarchical property determines whether the dictionary is hierarchical.
ImportSchema The ImportSchema property returns the first import scheme from the collection.
ImportSchemas The ImportSchemas property returns the collection of MDM dictionary import schemes.
IsBigDictionary The IsBigDictionary property determines whether the dictionary supports a large number of elements.
Levels The Levels property returns a collection of MDM dictionary levels.
Links The Links property returns a collection of MDM dictionary links.
ManageVisibility The ManageVisibility property determines whether MDM dictionary elements are hidden.
NonUniqueKeys The NonUniqueKeys property returns a collection of MDM dictionary non-unique keys.
Params The Params property returns a collection of MDM dictionary parameters.
RdsDatabaseInstance The RdsDatabaseInstance property returns data of the MDM repository that stores a dictionary.
Secured The Secured property determines whether access permissions to MDM dictionary elements are controlled.
Segments The Segments property returns a collection of MDM dictionary segments.
TableName The TableName property determines name of the table that stores dictionary data.
TimeDependency The TimeDependency property determines a mode, in which elements actual period is formed.
TimeDependent The TimeDependent property determines whether dictionary elements are changed in time.
Translations The Translations property returns a collection of settings that contain translation parameters of the MDM dictionary into different languages.
Type The Type property returns a type of the MDM dictionary.
UniqueKeys The UniqueKeys property returns a collection of MDM dictionary unique keys.

Methods inherited from IRdsDictionary

  Method name Brief description
AssignStructure The AssignStructure method assigns MDM dictionary structure in accordance with specified dictionary structure.
HasDefaultElement The HasDefaultElement method determines whether there is a default element in MDM dictionary.
Open The Open method opens an MDM dictionary.
ResetDefaultElement The ResetDefaultElement method resets setting of default element.
UpdateElementDependencies The UpdateElementDependencies method updates a link to the Link element by the key.
UpdateElementsDependencies The UpdateElementsDependencies method updates all links to the Link element.
UpdateSequence The UpdateSequence method updates sequence.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces