
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsAggregationFilter interface includes properties that are used to work with aggregation filter.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To work with the aggregation filters collection, use the IMsAggregationFilterList interface.


  Property name Brief description
AdvancedFilter The AdvancedFilter property returns advanced filter parameters.
AggregationGroup The AggregationGroup property determines the group, by which aggregation is executed.
AggregationParamID The AggregationParamID property determines an identifier of the parameters that are used to determine aggregated elements.
AggregationSelection The AggregationSelection property determines the selection that is used to determine aggregated elements.
FilterDimension The FilterDimension property returns filtered dimension.
HierarchyKey The HierarchyKey property determines a key of aggregation by levels of alternative hierarchy in the collection of dimension alternative hierarchies.
HierarchyParamAttributes The HierarchyParamAttributes property returns settings for binding alternative hierarchy to parameter attributes.
InvertSelection The InvertSelection property determines whether inverted selection is used in aggregation filter on calculation of modeling problem.
OutputParamID The OutputParamID property determines the parameter, to which filter selection is saved in each calculation iteration.
UseParamAsGroup The UseParamAsGroup property determines whether a group of elements is sent as a parameter value.

Properties inherited from INamedEntityModel

  Property name Brief description
The Id property returns the object identifier.
The Key property returns the object key.
The Name property returns the object name.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces