
Assembly: Db;


The IDatabase interface contains properties and methods of the Database repository object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



When a new database is created, to ensure its correct work, determine a specific minimum set of properties in the settings. The UseMetabaseLogonData property is by default set to False; set the following for the database:

If the UseMetabaseLogonData property is set to True, the settings determined on repository connection will be used.


  Property name Brief description
Authentication The Authentication property determines a type of authentication on connecting to database.
AutoAdjustRights The AutoAdjustRights property determines whether the permissions to all accessible objects are granted on connecting to the database.
Credentials The Credentials property returns user credentials used at automatic connection to a database.
DriverId The DriverId property determines the identifier of a database driver.
GrantCurrentRights The GrantCurrentRights property determines whether the permissions are granted to a database user in the new scheme, at change of the scheme name or of the server in DB properties.
LoginPrompt The LoginPrompt property determines whether automatic connection to database is executed on logging in to the repository.
LogonData The LogonData property returns additional parameters of the security module.
ODBC The property is under development.
RevokeGrantedRights The RevokeGrantedRights property determines whether the permissions of database user are revoked in the old scheme, at changing the name of the scheme or of the server in properties of DB.
Role The Role property determines settings of using the application role.
SecurityPackage The SecurityPackage property determines identifier of database security package.
SupportBinaryProtocol The SupportBinaryProtocol property determines whether binary queries will be used to work with PostgreSQL server.
SupportDecimal The SupportDecimal property determines whether it is possible to work with real fields as with decimal data type fields.
Unicode The Unicode property determines whether string fields of database tables are created with the NVARCHAR type.
UseMetabaseCredentials The UseMetabaseCredentials property determines whether the credentials, specified on logging in to the system, are used for database connection.
UseMetabaseLogonData The UseMetabaseLogonData property determines whether database connection settings are redetermined.
UseServiceLogonData The UseServiceLogonData property determines whether connection settings for Foresight Analytics Platform Web service will be overridden.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces