Saving Update

Created update can be saved as update file and as repository object only in the desktop application.

After the update is saved, proceed to installation. For details about update installation, see the Installing Update section.

When the update is saved, the update list can be exported to the *.txt file.

Saving Update to File

To save the created update to a file:

On executing one of the operations, opens the object sorting confirmation dialog box. On confirmation, objects will be automatically sorted, otherwise the object order remains the same.

Next, the standard dialog box for file saving opens.Specify the file name and location. The update file has the *.pefx extension. Click the Save button to save the update file.

NOTE. On saving an update opened from a file, this dialog box will not open. To save the update with a new name, select the Update > Save As main menu item. After executing this item, the dialog box for specifying name and location of the saved update opens.

When the operation is executed, the file with the name Update_<repository name_time_date> is saved.

The following types of files are available on saving depending on whether the update file is opened or created:

NOTE. On separating administrators roles the Update File.pefx type is not available on saving.

Saving Update to Repository

To save the created update to repository, select the Update > Save to Repository main menu item. The dialog box with repository objects opens, in which specify name and location for the update to be saved.

NOTE. The update can be saved to repository only in the desktop application.

To save the update opened from repository:

NOTE.To save the update opened from repository with a new name, select the Update > Save As main menu item. After executing this item, the dialog box for specifying name and location of the saved update opens.

On executing one of the operations, the update will be saved as repository object. This object can be used to create new update files with the *.pefx extension.

If access permissions have been updated for one or several objects, a confirmation message is displayed during the saving procedure:

Click the Yes button to update access permissions at the DBMS level. Click the No button to update permissions only at the platform level; to apply access permissions at the DBMS level, update the users.

After this dialog box closes, a standard save dialog box opens.

See also:

Creating an Update