
Shortcut is a repository object that has own metadata, but the data for which is taken from the source object available in this repository or in the repository with which link is created.

To create a shortcut:

NOTE. Shortcuts can be created only in the desktop application.

The dialog box opens:

Set shortcut parameters:

Editing Shortcut

To edit, select the Edit Shortcut shortcut context menu item. The edit wizard opens:

The wizard contains the Basic Properties and Shortcut pages.

Set basic properties at the first wizard page:

Determine object to which shortcut is referred on the Shortcut page.

NOTE. If the object, to which shortcut referes, is in another repository, then in the Source Object drop-down menu the Link with Repository is specified as root folder.

Synchronize with source object

On creating a shortcut, parameters set in the source object are saved.The set of source object parameters can be changed from the moment of shortcut creation. To put those changes to the shortcut, select the Synchronize with Source Object shortcut context menu. After synchronization, actual parameters will be added to the shortcut.

NOTE. The Synchronize with Source Object item is used only for the shortcut that is in the same repository as the source object.