

BpfR(Input: ITimeSeries,
    Period: IMsPeriod,
    Lag: Integer,
    Low: Integer,
    High: Integer,
    Output: MsBPFOutputType)


Input. Input variable

Period. Period, at which the method is calculated. If the parameter value is Null, the method is calculated at the entire time period

Lag. Lead/lag

Low. Low value of cycle period

High. High value of cycle period

Output. Output component. Optional parameter. The default value is MsBPFOutputType.CycleSeries - the cyclic component is used.


It models variable values with the Baxter-King filter with the R package.


Integration with R must be set up in the repository to use this method. For details about integration setup see the How to Set Up Integration with R? section.

Values for lead/lag and cycle period limits are set depending on the calendar frequency of the input variable. Basic values:

Frequency Lead/lag Low limit Upper limit
Annual 3 2 8
Semi-Annual 6 3 16
Quarterly 12 6 32
Monthly 36 18 96
Weekly 156 78 416
5-days 783 391.5 2088
7-days 1095 547,5 2920


Formula Result Application
= BpfR({Chicago - population[t]}, NULL, 3, 2, 8, MsBPFOutputType.NonCyclicalSeries)

The Baxter-King filter is applied to the Chicago - population time series. Filter parameters: the filter is calculated at the entire data period, values for lead or lag and seasonality period limits are set for annual data, non-seasonal component of the source series is unloaded after the calculation. R package will be used in calculations.

It can be used in formulas of calculated series of time series database and model formulas of modeling container that is a child of the time series database.
= BpfR(X1, SetPeriod("01.01.2000", "01.01.2015"), 12, 6, 32, MsBPFOutputType.NonCyclicalSeries) The Baxter-King filter is applied to the X1 factor. Filter parameters are as follows: calculation period is set, values of lead/lag and seasonality period limits are set for quarterly data, after calculation the seasonal component of the source series is unloaded. R package will be used in calculations. It can be used in model formulas of modeling container.

See also:

Functions Available in Expression Editor | R Methods | IModelling.BpfR | TheBaxter-King Filter method method