

OpenRubResult OpenRub(OdId tObject, OpenRubArg tArg)


tObject. Moniker of the repository object that is a time series database.

tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The OpenRub operation opens a time series database and returns context required to work with its structure.


To execute the operation, in the tObject field specify moniker of the object that is a time series database, and in the tArg field define opening parameters. Object moniker can be obtained on executing the GetObjects operation. The tArg parameter may contain values of the parameters that will be sent to parametric objects and the metadata getting pattern. The pattern indicates the information to be obtained on opening.

The operation results in the opened time series database instance moniker, and also the metadata if the tArg.metaGet pattern was defined on executing the operation. To further work with the time series database structure, use the GetRubMd operation. The obtained moniker is also used in the OpenHie operation to get access to the hierarchy of factors stored in the database. To close the opened time series database instance, use the CloseRub operation.





See also:

Working with Time Series Database