

OpenHieResult OpenHie([RubId tRub], OpenHieArg tArg)


tRub. Repository object moniker that is a time series database.

tArg. Parameters of opening the factors hierarchy.


The OpenHie operation builds a time series hierarchy of the time series database.


To execute the operation, set the time series database, for which you want to build a factors hierarchy. The database can be specified in two ways: if an opened instance of time series database is available, specify its moniker in the tRub parameter; if there is no opened instance of time series database, specify moniker of corresponding repository object in the tArg.args.rubObj field. The repository object moniker can be obtained on executing the GetObjects operation.

The tArg.metaGet field may also contain a pattern to be used to get factors metadata, and the tArg.loadXml field may be used to define parameters of factors loading from XML structure.

The operation results in the factors hierarchy moniker, and also the metadata if the tArg.metaGet pattern was defined on executing the operation. Use the GetHieMd and SetHieMd operation for further work. The moniker obtained on opening is also used in the GetHieMembers operation.





See also:

Working with Time Series Database