

OpenRdsResult OpenRds(OdId tOb, OpenRdsArg tArg)


tOb. Moniker of the repository object that is an MDM dictionary.

tArg. Parameters of dictionary opening.


The OpenRds operation opens an MDM dictionary and returns the context for working with dictionary data and metadata.


To execute the operation, in the tOb parameter specify moniker of the object that is an MDM dictionary, and in the tArg parameter specify patterns for the metadata to be obtained on executing the operation. Also, in the tArg parameter, specify the value of the parameters for opening the dictionary if it is parametric. If no patterns are specified in the tArg parameter, the result of the operation contains only the opened dictionary instance moniker. If the patterns are specified, the user can get obtained metadata in the meta field.

To further work with the opened dictionary instance, use the GetRds and GetRdsElements operations. Use the CloseRds operation to close the opened dictionary instance.


The example of opening an MDM dictionary. The request contains the moniker of the object that is an MDM dictionary. The response contains the opened dictionary instance moniker.




See also:

Working with MDM Dictionaries