GetRdsResult GetRds(RdsId tRds, GetRds tGet)
tRds. MDM dictionary instance moniker.
tGet. Parameters of metadata getting.
The GetRds operation gets MDM dictionary metadata.
This operation enables the user to get the following information about MDM dictionary structure:
Information about attributes.
Information about parameters.
Information about relationships with other dictionaries.
Information about levels.
Parameters of dictionary translation into other languages.
To execute the operation, in the tRds parameter specify the opened dictionary instance moniker, and in the tArg parameter specify operation execution parameters. The moniker can be obtained on executing the operation.
To execute the operation, in the tRds parameter specify the dictionary instance moniker, and in the tArg parameter specify the parameters, according to which the information is obtained. The moniker can be obtained on executing the OpenRds operation. In the tArg.pattern field specify the pattern for getting information about dictionary structure. The result of the operation is the requested data.
{ "GetRds" : { "tRds" : { "id" : "S1!M!S!N1"
}, "tArg" : { "pattern" : { "obInst" : "true", "all" : "true" } } } }
{ "GetRdsResult" : { "id" : { "id" : "S1!M!S!N1" }, "meta" : { "obInst" :
{ "obDesc" : { "@isShortcut" : "0", "@isLink" : "0", "i" : "FACT_ELEMENTS", "n" : "Dictionary with factors", "k" : "5613", "c" : "4354", "p" : "5611",
"h" : "0" } }, "dirty" : "0", "attrs" : { "its" : { "it" : [
{ "k" : "411", "id" : "KEY", "n" : "Key", "vis" : "0", "predefined" : "Key", "dt" : "2", "kind" : "Predefined", "nullable" : "0", "hasMultipleValues" : "0"
"readAccess" : "", "writeAccess" : "", "timeDependent" : "0", "tag" : "", "visibleForEdit" : "2", "isTranslation" : "0" }, { "k" : "412", "id" : "NAME",
"n" : "Name", "vis" : "1", "predefined" : "Name", "dt" : "1", "kind" : "Predefined", "nullable" : "0", "hasMultipleValues" : "0", "readAccess" : "", "writeAccess" : "", "timeDependent" : "0"
"tag" : "", "visibleForEdit" : "1", "isTranslation" : "0" }, { "k" : "413", "id" : "PARENT_KEY", "n" : "Owner", "vis" : "0", "predefined" : "ParentKey"
"dt" : "2", "kind" : "Predefined", "nullable" : "1", "hasMultipleValues" : "0", "readAccess" : "", "writeAccess" : "", "timeDependent" : "0", "tag" : "", "visibleForEdit" : "2", "isTranslation" : "0"
}, { "k" : "414", "id" : "ORD", "n" : "Order", "vis" : "0", "predefined" : "Order", "dt" : "2", "kind" : "Predefined", "nullable" : "0"
"hasMultipleValues" : "0", "readAccess" : "", "writeAccess" : "", "timeDependent" : "0", "tag" : "", "visibleForEdit" : "2", "isTranslation" : "0" }, { "k" : "416",
"id" : "VERSION", "n" : "Version", "vis" : "0", "predefined" : "Version", "dt" : "2", "kind" : "Predefined", "nullable" : "0", "hasMultipleValues" : "0", "readAccess" : "", "writeAccess" : ""
"timeDependent" : "0", "tag" : "", "visibleForEdit" : "2", "isTranslation" : "0" }, { "k" : "417", "id" : "INDATE", "n" : "Start date", "vis" : "0"
"predefined" : "InDate", "dt" : "4", "kind" : "Predefined", "nullable" : "0", "hasMultipleValues" : "0", "readAccess" : "", "writeAccess" : "", "timeDependent" : "0", "tag" : "", "visibleForEdit" : "2",
"isTranslation" : "0" }, { "k" : "418", "id" : "OUTDATE", "n" : "End date", "vis" : "0", "predefined" : "OutDate", "dt" : "4", "kind" : "Predefined"
"nullable" : "0", "hasMultipleValues" : "0", "readAccess" : "", "writeAccess" : "", "timeDependent" : "0", "tag" : "", "visibleForEdit" : "2", "isTranslation" : "0" }, {
"k" : "440", "id" : "LINK", "n" : "link", "vis" : "1", "predefined" : "None", "dt" : "2", "kind" : "Linked", "nullable" : "1", "hasMultipleValues" : "0", "readAccess" : "",
"writeAccess" : "", "timeDependent" : "0", "tag" : "", "visibleForEdit" : "2", "isTranslation" : "0", "link" : { "k" : "441", "id" : "LINK", "n" : "Link"
"vis" : "1" } }, { "k" : "443", "id" : "ATTRIBUTE", "n" : "Attribute", "vis" : "1", "predefined" : "None", "dt" : "2"
"kind" : "Imported", "nullable" : "1", "hasMultipleValues" : "0", "readAccess" : "", "writeAccess" : "", "timeDependent" : "0", "tag" : "", "visibleForEdit" : "2", "isTranslation" : "0", "link" :
{ "k" : "441", "id" : "LINK", "n" : "Link", "vis" : "1" }, "lookup" : { "k" : "433", "id" : "KEY"
"n" : "Key", "vis" : "1" } } ] } }, "links" : { "its" :
{ "it" : [ { "k" : "441", "id" : "LINK", "n" : "Link", "vis" : "1", "attribute" : {
"k" : "440", "id" : "LINK", "n" : "link", "vis" : "1" }, "refDictionary" : { "@isShortcut" : "0", "@isLink" : "0", "i" : "OBJ6416",
"n" : "MDM dictionary", "k" : "6416", "c" : "4354", "p" : "5611", "h" : "0" }, "refAttribute" : { "k" : "433", "id" : "KEY"
"n" : "Key", "vis" : "1" }, "deleteConstraint" : "Restrict", "displayAttribute" : { "k" : "434", "id" : "NAME", "n" : "Name", "vis" : "1" :
}, "displayFormat" : "ValueOnly", "group" : { "k" : "6417", "id" : "OBJ6417", "n" : "Group of dictionary elements", "vis" : "1" } }
] } }, "params" : { "its" : { "it" : [ {
"k" : "419", "id" : "CURDATE", "n" : "Current date", "vis" : "1", "predefined" : "CurDate" } ] } }, "translations" :
{ "its" : "", "isON" : "0" }, "levels" : { "its" : "" } } } }
public static GetRdsResult GetRDSInfo(RdsId moniker)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); //Proxy object for operation execution
//Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetRds()
tArg = new GetRdsArg()
pattern = new RdsMdPattern()
all = true
tRds = moniker
//Get information about dictionary
var result = somClient.GetRds(tGet);
return result;
See also: