Rds Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
The DeleteDictionaryElementOptions enumeration contains options for MDM dictionary elements removal.
The DictionaryCursorOptions enumeration contains methods of receiving a cursor.
The DictionaryGetDataOptions enumeration contains methods of receiving data.
The DictionaryParamsControlState enumeration contains the current states of object that controls parameters of linked dictionary.
The DictionaryTimeDependencyType enumeration contains modes, in which element action period is formed.
The MetaAttributeKind enumeration contains types of system dictionary attribute.
The MetaAttributeTag enumeration contains kinds of system dictionary attribute.
The MetaMembersGetOptions enumeration contains parameters for receiving elements of the time series database hierarchy.
The RdsAccessAttribute enumeration contains kinds of access attribute, by which permissions should be obtained for the specified element.
The RdsAttributeDefaultExpressionKind enumeration contains calculation moment options of attribute default value.
The RdsAttributeKind enumeration contains kinds of MDM dictionary attribute.
The RdsBatchCallbackContinue enumeration contains the next action when error occurs during execution of the MDM dictionary elements batch.
The RdsBatchDeleteError enumeration contains types of errors occurred during execution of the MDM dictionary elements batch.
The RdsCheckExecuteDeleteBatch enumeration contains types of conflicts that can arise on working with the elements batch.
The RdsConditionOperation enumeration is used to define condition operator.
The RdsConstraintType enumeration contains variants of behavior on attempting to remove elements in the dictionary, to which links in other dictionaries exist.
The RdsDictionaryBatchType enumeration contains types of elements batch.
The RdsDictionaryElementDataOptions enumeration contains parameters of changing element attribute value.
The RdsDictionaryType enumeration contains MDM dictionary types.
The RdsElementsLookupOptions enumeration contains parameters of MDM dictionary elements search.
The RdsLoaderBindingType enumeration contains types of bindings between data source attributes and fields.
The RdsMoveType enumeration contains positions, to which MDM dictionary element is moved.
The RdsNotConvertibleReasonCode enumeration is used to determine code of the reason, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary.
The RdsPredefinedAttribute enumeration contains algorithms for selecting value during multiple selection for binding of values of edited dictionary attribute to bound dictionary parameter.
The RdsPredefinedAttribute enumeration contains system attribute assignments.
The RdsPredefinedParam enumeration contains system parameter assignments.
The RdsReferenceDisplayFormat enumeration contains display formats of the linked attributes values.
The RdsSelectSearchValue enumeration contains search options by value.
The RdsUpdateDetailTableMode enumeration contains methods of updating records in the table used to export multiple attribute values.
The RdsUpdateSequenceOptions enumeration is used to determine a shift type.
The SubsetOperation enumeration contains operations of forming a set of attributes.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces | Rds Assembly Classes | Examples