Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Setting Up Calculated Series > Setting Up Calculation Method Parameters > Custom Functions
Custom functions and methods can be used to enhance expression capabilities due to the use of custom calculation methods.
By default, custom functions are not connected to the Time Series Analysis tool. To connect custom functions, use the Methods tab in the Custom Metadata section of the Parameters dialog box. For details see the Connecting Custom Functions article.
NOTE. Custom functions can be connected only in the desktop application.
The connected custom functions will be displayed on the Calculations ribbon tab.
If the custom function category differs from the category of standard calculation methods, or category is not specified, the custom function will be displayed in the drop-down menu of the Custom Functions button, for example:
If the custom function category matches with the category of standard calculation method, the custom function will be displayed in the drop-down menu of the button corresponding to the category of standard calculation method. For example, the custom function with the Arithmetic category will be displayed in the menu of the same-name button:
If the custom function is parametric, the Parameters dialog box opens. Set function parameters values in the dialog box.
After the custom function is applied, a calculated series with the name of the type Custom_function_name(<Series_Name>) in the workbook, that contains calculation results. For example:
See also:
Working with Calculated Series | Setting Up Calculation Method Parameters