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Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Setting Up Calculated Series > Setting Up Calculation Method Parameters > Transformations > Time > Splice


The method is included in the Transformations group and is used to splice some series or their parts. The output series consists of source series values spliced by specified parameters.

NOTE. Only series or series parts having the same calendar frequency can be spliced.

To apply the method

After the method is applied, in the workbook, based on the selected series, a calculated series named Splice series(<Spliced_Series_List>) is created, containing splice results. The children of this series are the spliced series. Observations of children series, which take place in the splice, are highlighted.

The chart for the Splice Series calculated series differs from the standard chart:

Child series of the spliced series are marked with ordinary lines. Bold lines indicate series areas that form the spliced series. The spliced series itself is indicated with a bold line of the same color as the highlighting of table cells.

Setting Up Calculation Parameters

Add observations to the splice area

Exclude observations from the splice area

To set up specific calculation parameters, use the Parameters side panel tab.

The Parameters Tab

To display the tab

Method parameters:

Change splice area

Add series area to splice

Remove series area from splice

Order of application

See also:

Working with Calculated Series | IModelling.Splice | IModelling.Splicep