Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Setting Up Calculated Series > Setting Up Calculation Method Parameters > Smoothing > Exponential Smoothing > Setting Up Parameter Value Autofit
To set up autofit coefficient values parameters in the exponential smoothing model, use the Parameters Autofit tab on the side panel.
The tab always contains the following groups:
Fitting Method. Specify the coefficient values fitting method.
Fitting Criteria. Specify the criterion, by which coefficient values are fit.
A set of other parameters depends on the selected method of coefficient values fitting method.
The tab view if the Grid Search fitting method is used:
The Search Ranges group determines the ranges for searching Alpha, Delta, Gamma, and Phi coefficients values. Use appropriate value editors to set the search range, taking into account the following constraints:
The lower bound (first value editor) has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1.
The upper bound (second value editor) has a minimum value equal to the value of lower bound and a maximum value of 1.
The availability of coefficient values' search ranges depends on seasonal effect and growth model.
If the coefficient value is set manually, the interval editing is not available.
The Grid Step parameter determines size of the interval that is used for grid search.
The tab view if the Best Trial Method fitting method is used:
The Initial Values group determines:
Alpha. Delta. Gamma. Phi. Use the appropriate value editors to specify the initial values to search coefficient values. The availability of editors depends on seasonal effect and growth model. If the coefficient value is set manually, editing is also not available.
Constant (Z). Real value of the constant used for the best trial method.
Number of Implementations (S). Number of coefficient implementations.
Number of Iterations. Maximum number of iterations, in which the value is to be found.
See also: