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Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Setting Up Calculated Series > Setting Up Calculation Method Parameters > Arithmetic > Mod


The Mod method calculates the remainder of division of the series values by the specified number. It is a part of a group of arithmetic methods.

To apply the method

After the method is applied, in the workbook, based on each selected series a calculated series with a name of the Mod(<Series_Name>) type is created, containing the calculation results. For example:

Setting Up Calculation Parameters. The Parameters Tab

To set up calculation parameters, use the Parameters side panel tab.

To display the tab

Specify the positive divisor in the Basis box. By default a divisor is equal to 2.

NOTE. On executing the Mod operation for integer type operands result is also integer.

See also:

Working with Calculated Series | IModelling.Mod_