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Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Setting Up Calculated Series > Setting Up Calculation Method Parameters > Aggregation > Aggregation by Time

Aggregation by Time

Aggregation is calculation of data of the top level based on the data of the bottom level. For example, calculated monthly data is summed to get quarterly data. The following aggregation methods are available in the time series analysis tool:

Methods are included to the Aggregation group.

To apply the method

After the method is applied, the Parameters dialog box opens that used to select output frequency.

Frequency can be output, if it is greater than the frequency of the time series, for which the method is used. For example, aggregation is calculated for a series that has quarterly frequency. Thus, only Annual and Semi-Annual options are available in the Output Frequency drop-down list.

Specify output frequency of the calculated series. A corresponding message appears if there are no frequencies that can be used as output frequency.

After selecting the output frequency in the workbook based on each selected series the calculated series with a name of the Collapse <Aggregation_Type>(<Series_Name>) type is created, containing the calculation results. For example:

Setting Up Calculation Parameters. The Parameters Tab

To change the aggregation calculation method, use the Parameters side panel tab.

To display the tab

In the Method drop-down list select the required aggregation by time calculation method.

See also:

Working with Calculated Series | Modeling Container: Collapse (Series Calculation), Collapse (Pointwise Calculation) | IModelling.Collapse