Drawing > Drawing Assembly Classes > GxRectF > GxRectF.Create
Create(Left: Double; Top: Double; Right: Double; Bottom: Double);
Create(Left: Double; Top: Double; Right: Double; Bottom: Double);
Left. Distance from the coordinates system center to the left border of rectangle.
Top. Distance from the coordinates system center to the upper border of rectangle.
Right. Distance from the coordinates system center to the right border of rectangle.
Bottom. Distance from the coordinates system center to the bottom border of rectangle.
The Create constructor creates a new rectangle with specified sizes.
Function GetRectF(Left: Double; Top: Double; Right: Double; Bottom: Double): IGxRectF;
OutRect: IGxRectF;
OutRect := New GxRectF.Create(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
Return OutRect;
End Function GetRectF;
This function returns the rectangle with specified sizes.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing;
Function GetRectF(Left: Double; Top: Double; Right: Double; Bottom: Double): GxRectF;
OutRect: GxRectF = New GxRectFClass();
OutRect.Create(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
Return OutRect;
End Function;
This function returns the rectangle with specified sizes.
See also: