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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxTableIsland


Assembly: Report;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;


The IPrxTableIsland interface sets parameters of the relational data area.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
AdjustMode The AdjustMode property determines cell size autofit method.
ColumnsBehaviour The ColumnsBehaviour property determines behavior of a relational data area when the number of data area columns is increased.
Groupings The Groupings property determines parameters of grouping of the relational data area.
Layout The Layout property determines parameters of layout of a relational data area.
Pager The Pager property returns parameters of work of the relational area in the paging mode.
Range The Range property determines borders of a relational data area (a cell or a cell range).
Report The Report property returns the regular report, to which the relational data area belongs.
RowsBehaviour The RowsBehaviour property determines behavior of a relational data area when the number of data area rows is increased.
RowsToInsert The RowsToInsert property determines how many rows can be inserted during a single iteration.
Sheet The Sheet property determines the sheet of the regular report that contains the data area.
Source The Source property determines a data source for a relational data area.
TableIslands The TableIslands property returns the collection of relational data areas.


  Method name Brief description
Copy The Copy method copies a relational data area.
Edit The Edit method opens a relational data area for edit.
Recalc The Recalc method calculates a relational data area.
Revert The Revert method cancels changes made when editing the relational data area.
Save The Save method saves changes made when editing the relational data area.
TotalValues The TotalValues method is used to get total values of layout in relational data area.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
The Id property determines an object identifier.
The Key property returns the object key.
The Name property determines an object name.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces