Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxTableIsland > IPrxTableIsland.ColumnsBehaviour
ColumnsBehaviour: PrxDataIslandHeaderBehaviour;
The ColumnsBehaviour property determines behavior of a relational data area when the number of data area columns is increased.
The following example assumes that there is the Report object with the IPrxReport type.
Sub User;
Report : IPrxReport;
TabIs : IPrxTableIslands;
TI : IPrxTableIsland;
TabIs := Report.TableIslands;
TI := TabIs.Item(0);
TI := TI.Edit;
TI.ColumnsBehaviour := PrxDataIslandHeaderBehaviour.Capture;
End Sub User;
After executing the example the following columns behavior is set: Capture adjacent columns. When the number of the data area columns is increased information in the columns outside of the data area is overridden with source data.
See also: