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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxChart


Assembly: Report;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;


The IPrxChart interface contains properties and methods of the Chart regular report object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with the Map regular report object, use properties and methods of the IPrxMap interface.


  Property name Brief description
AutoAdjust The AutoAdjust property determines whether the chart data are to change automatically depending on changes in size of the data area used as the base of this chart.
Data The Data property determines address of the range, from which numeric data used to build the chart is obtained.
DataRange The DataRange property returns a table range containing numeric data, on which the chart is based.
EaxChart The EaxChart property determines a chart, which data source is analytical data area.
ExcludedPoints The ExcludedPoints determines the range of indexes of points, labels of which are excluded from the list of displayed on the chart category axis.
IncludeHidden The IncludeHidden property determines the state of the Display Hidden Data option.
PointChartMode The PointChartMode property determine data transfer method.
PointNameByIndex The PointNameByIndex property returns name of the point passed by the PointIndex input parameter.
Points The Points property determines address of the range, from which the names of the chart points are obtained.
PointsFormatted The PointsFormatted property determines whether to use formatted text in cells for chart points names.
PointsRange The PointsRange property returns the range of the data table, from which the chart points names are obtained.
PointsSimple The PointsSimple property determines the order of generating values to name chart points.
SerieAction The SerieAction property determines a macro for handling chart series events.
Series The Series property determines address of the range, from which the chart series names are obtained.
SeriesInRows The SeriesInRows property determines the method of interpreting numeric series in the data area: whether the series are arranged in rows or in columns.
SeriesRange The SeriesRange property returns the table range, from which the chart series names are obtained.
SeriesSimple The SeriesSimple property determines the order of generating values to name chart series.
SeriesFormatted The SeriesFormatted property determines whether formatted cell text is to be used for chart series names.
Sheet The Sheet property determines the sheet of the regular report where the source data for chart creation is stored.
Slice The Slice property determines the slice to be used as a data source for a chart.
SourceType The SourceType property determines type of a chart source.
UndoRedo The UndoRedo property determines parameters of Undo/Redo stack for the regular report chart.


  Method name Brief description
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method disables refreshing of a chart.
DoSerieClick The DoSerieClick method generates an event that occurs on clicking a chart series.

The EndUpdate method resumes chart refreshing.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces