Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxChart > IPrxChart.DoSerieClick
DoSerieClick(SerieIndex: Integer; [PointIndex: Integer = -1]);
SerieIndex. Series index.
PointIndex. Optional parameter that determines series point.
The DoSerieClick method generates an event that occurs on clicking a chart series.
Series index and series point, for which the event is generated, are passed using the SerieIndex and PointIndex parameters respectively.
This example is a macro of regular report. The regular report should have a connected unit with the MOD_MACRO identifier that contains this procedure. This unit should also contain the OnChartClick macro that is used to handle clicking on a chart series.
Sub SerieClick;
Report: IPrxReport;
Tab: ITabSheet;
Chart: IPrxChart;
Report := PrxReport.ActiveReport;
Tab := (Report.ActiveSheet As IPrxTable).TabSheet;
Chart := Tab.Objects.Item(0).Extension As IPrxChart;
Chart.SerieAction := "MOD_MACRO.OnChartClick";
Chart.DoSerieClick(0, 3);
End Sub SerieClick;
After executing the macro, an on mouse click event is generated for a specified point and series of the chart. This event is to be handled by the OnChartClick macro.
See also: