Report > Report Assembly Classes > ReportRowResizeEventArgs > ReportRowResizeEventArgs.CreateReportRowResizeArgs
CreateReportRowResizeArgs(Report: IReportBox; Sheet: IPrxSheet; Row: Integer; ResizeType: TabRowColumnResizeType);
CreateReportRowResizeArgs(Report: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report.ReportBox; Sheet: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report.IPrxSheet; Row: Integer; ResizeType: );
Report. The component, for which the event is generated.
Sheet. The report page, for which the event is generated.
Row. The index of the row, for which the event is generated.
ResizeType. The action that results in row resizing.
The CreateReportRowResizeArgs constructor creates an argument of the event that occurs after a table row is resized.
See also: