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Report > Report Assembly Classes > ReportObjectChangeEventArgs


Assembly: Report;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;


The ReportObjectChangeEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the events that occur on changing an object in the ReportBox component.


The following events occur on changing the object:

Fore.NET Syntax

The class to get analog of the ReportObjectChangeEventArgs class:


Class to get analog of the ReportObjectChangeEventArgsclass object:



  Constructor name Brief description
CreateObjectChangeArgs The CreateObjectChangeArgs constructor creates an argument of the event that occurs on changing an object.

Constructors inherited from ReportEventArgs

  Constructor name Brief description
CreateArgs The Create constructor creates an argument of events of the ReportBox component.

Class object properties inherited from IReportObjectChangeEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Object The Object property returns a changed object.
Type The Type property returns a type of change that occurs with an object.

Class object properties inherited from IReportEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Report The Report property returns the ReportBox component that has generated the event.
Sheet The Sheet property returns the sheet of the regular report, on which the event has occurred.

See also:

Report Assembly Classes