Report > Report Assembly Classes > ReportBox > ReportBox.OnAfterDeleteRange
Sub OnAfterDeleteRange(Sender: Object; Args: IReportRangeDeleteEventArgs);
//set of operators;
End Sub OnAfterDeleteRange;
Sender. A parameter that returns the component that generated the event.
Args. A parameter that enables the user to determine event parameters.
The OnAfterDeleteRange event occurs after removing ranges/rows/columns.
Before removing ranges/rows/columns the ReportBox.OnBeforeDeleteRange event occurs.
Executing the example requires a form that contains the ReportBox component with the ReportBox1 identifier and the UiReport component with the UiReport1 identifier. Specify the UiReport1 component as a data source for the ReportBox1 component. In the OperationMode property of the UiReport1 component specify Edit.
Sub ReportBox1OnAfterDeleteRange(Sender: Object; Args: IReportRangeDeleteEventArgs);
Debug.WriteLine("Range is removed: " + Args.Range.Address +
" by means of: " + Args.ShiftDirection.ToString + " from sheet: " + Args.Sheet.Name);
End Sub ReportBox1OnAfterDeleteRange;
After executing the example on each adding range/rows/columns to table, the console window displays a message with the information:
Execution result.
Removed range address.
Type of ranges/rows/columns removal.
A sheet, from which ranges/rows/columns are removed.
See also:
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