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Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IRdsDictionaryTranslations > IRdsDictionaryTranslations.Add



Add(Locale: LocaleCodeID): IRdsDictionaryTranslation;


Locale. Unique numeric language identifier.


The Add method adds a setting for a specified language to the collection.


The method returns an added setting. The setting is added to the end of the collection, value of the IRdsDictionaryTranslations.Count property increases by one.

It is prohibited to set the LocaleCodeID.None value as the Locale parameter.

On adding the language setting additional dictionary attributes are created. They are created for all string attributes, which values should be translated (the IRdsAttributeTranslations.IsOn property), and they are copies of these attributes. An identifier of additional attributes consists of the main attribute identifier with a suffix, that is, international language abbreviation. For example, on adding settings of translation into the English language (USA), the additional attribute NAME_EN is created for the NAME attribute. For all additional translation attributes, value of the IRdsAttributeTranslations.IsTranslation property is True.


The property use is given in the example for IRdsDictionary.Translations.

See also:
