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Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces

Rds Assembly Interfaces

  Brief description
The IMetaAttribute interface is used to work with an attribute of time series database of time series level or observations.
The IMetaAttributeGroup interface is used to work with a group of time series database attributes.
The IMetaAttributeGroupFilter interface is used to work with a filter of the group of attributes.
The IMetaAttributeGroups interface is used to work with the collection of groups of attributes.
The IMetaAttributeGroupsSet interface is used to work with the collection of dictionary attribute groups without ability to add an attribute.
The IMetaAttributeHierarchySetup interface contains properties to set a hierarchy attribute.
The IMetaAttributeNaming interface contains properties used to work with an attribute name.
The IMetaAttributeNamings interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes names.
The IMetaAttributes interface is used to work with a collection of attributes of fact and observation level of time series database.
The IMetaAttributesCollection interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes included in the time series database index.
The IMetaAttributesSet interface contains properties and methods used to work with the set of attributes.
The IMetaAttributesSubset interface contains properties and methods used to work with a set of attributes with an ability to add and remove attributes.
The IMetaAttributeTranslations interface contains parameters of time series database attribute translation to different languages.
The IMetaDataMember interface contains basic properties used to work with system table record.
The IMetaDataMemberCollection interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of system table records.
The IMetaDataMemberGroup interface is used to work with a group attribute value.
The IMetaDataMemberRecord interface contains properties used to work with a compound system table record.
The IMetaDataMemberReference interface contains properties used to work with the reference on system table record.
The IMetaDataMembers interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of system table records without ability to add and delete.
The IMetaDataMemberSimple interface contains properties used to work with a simple system table record.
The IMetaDataRule interface contains properties that determine parameters of rules used in time series database dictionary.
The IMetaDataRules interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of rules of time series database dictionaries.
The IMetaDictionary interface is used to work with time series database system metadictionaries.
The IMetaDictionaryData interface contains properties and methods used to work with data of time series database.
The IMetaDictionaryDataInfo interface is used to work with information on database time series.
The IMetaDictionaryInstance interface is used to work with data on time series database.
The IMetaDictionaryLookup interface contains properties and methods used to search in time series database.
The IMetaDictionaryTranslations interface is used to work with a collection of settings that contain parameters of time series database dictionaries' translation to different languages.
The IMetaHierarchy interface contains properties used to work with time series database hierarchy.
The IMetaHierarchyAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with attributes that are included in the hierarchy.
The IMetaHierarchyInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with open elements hierarchy of system dictionary.
The IMetaHierarchyLevel interface contains properties and methods used to work with hierarchy level of system dictionary.
The IMetaHierarchyLevels interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of hierarchy levels.
The IMetaHierarchyPosition interface contains properties used to work with hierarchy position.
The IMetaIndex interface contains properties and methods used to work with a system table index.
The IMetaIndexes interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of system table indexes.
The IMetaMember interface contains properties and methods used to work with a hierarchy element.
The IMetaMemberChildren interface contains properties and methods used to work with children of a hierarchy element.
The IMetaMemberLeaf interface contains properties and methods used to work with a leaf element of hierarchy.
The IMetaMembers interface contains properties and methods used to work with elements set in a position of hierarchy.
The IMetaMembersSet interface is used to work with the set of the system dictionary elements.
The IMetaMembersTree interface contains properties and methods used to work with the tree of system dictionary elements.
The IMetaRdsExportSchema interface is used to work with export schema of table MDM dictionary.
The IMetaRdsImportSchema interface is used to work with import scheme of table MDM dictionary.
The IMetaRdsLoader interface contains properties and methods of the object used to automatically create table MDM dictionaries and load data to these dictionaries.
The IRdsAttribute interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary attribute.
The IRdsAttributeInstance interface contains properties used to work with an attribute of an open dictionary.
The IRdsAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes of the MDM dictionary.
The IRdsAttributesInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes of an open dictionary.
The IRdsAttributesList interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of attributes, by which values elements are searched.
The IRdsAttributeTranslation interface is used to work with a setting of the MDM dictionary attribute translation.
The IRdsAttributeTranslations interface is used to work with the collection of settings that contain parameters of translation of the MDM dictionary attribute name into different languages.
The IRdsAttributeType interface contains properties of attributes type of the MDM repository.
The IRdsAttributeTypeFolder interface contains properties of a folder that contains attribute types.
The IRdsAttributeTypeFolders interface contains properties and methods of folders collection of attribute types of the MDM repository.
The IRdsAttributeTypes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of attribute types contained in a specified folder.
The IRdsBaseBinding interface contains basic properties of binding attributes to source fields.
The IRdsBatchCallback interface is used to process exceptions that occur during execution of batch of the MDM dictionary elements.
The IRdsBigElements interface is used to work with dictionaries that support a large number of elements.
The IRdsCompoundDictionary interface contains properties and methods of the Composite MDM Dictionary repository object.
The IRdsCompoundDictionaryElements interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of elements of composite MDM dictionary.
The IRdsCompoundDictionarySource interface contains properties of data source of composite MDM dictionary.
The IRdsCompoundDictionarySources interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of source dictionaries of the composite MDM dictionary.
The IRdsDatabase interface contains properties and methods of the MDM Repository repository object.
The IRdsDatabaseInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with MDM repository data.
The IRdsDictionary interface contains properties and methods of the MDM Dictionary repository object.
The IRdsDictionaryBatch interface is used to work with a batch the MDM dictionary elements.
The IRdsDictionaryBatchDelete interface is used to work with a batch, which elements should be deleted.
The IRdsDictionaryBatchUpdate interface is used to work with a batch, which elements should be updated.
The IRdsDictionaryBox interface contains properties and methods of the RdsDictionaryBox development environment component.
The IRdsDictionaryBoxColumns interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary column that is displayed in the RdsDictionaryBox component.
The IRdsDictionaryBoxColumns interface contains properties of a collection of columns of the MDM dictionary that is displayed in the RdsDictionaryBox component.
The IRdsDictionaryBoxEventArgs interface contains properties of events argument of the RdsDictionaryBox component.
The IRdsDictionaryConverter interface is used to convert an MDM dictionary to a table MDM dictionary.
The IRdsDictionaryConverterList interface is used to work with the list of MDM dictionaries required to convert to table MDM dictionaries.
The IRdsDictionaryElement interface contains properties and methods of an MDM dictionary element.
The IRdsDictionaryElementArray interface contains properties used to work with an array that contains element keys.
The IRdsDictionaryElementData interface contains properties of access to data of MDM dictionary element attributes.
The IRdsDictionaryElementDependents interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of dependencies on the MDM dictionary elements.
The IRdsDictionaryElementHistory interface contains properties used to work with a history of value changes of MDM dictionary elements.
The IRdsDictionaryElementList interface contains properties used to work with a collection of elements.
The IRdsDictionaryElements interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary elements.
The IRdsDictionaryElementsLookup interface contains properties and methods used to search elements in the MDM dictionary.
The IRdsDictionaryElementsSearch interface contains properties and methods used to search elements of the MDM dictionary with advanced search settings.
The IRdsDictionaryFilterCondition interface is used to work with a filter, by which dictionary elements are selected.
The IRdsDictionaryFilterConditions interface is used to work with the collection of filters, by which dictionary elements are selected.
The IRdsDictionaryInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with MDM dictionary data.
The IRdsDictionarySet interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of a dictionary, which data should be synchronized.
The IRdsDictionarySource interface contains properties used to access data of the MDM dictionary displayed in the RdsDictionaryBox component.
The IRdsDictionaryTranslation interface is used to work with translation parameters of the MDM dictionary into a certain language.
The IRdsDictionaryTranslations interface is used to work with the collection of settings that contain parameters of the MDM dictionary translation into different languages.
The IRdsDictionaryUpdateExParams interface is used to determine MDM dictionary update parameters.
The RdsElementComparer interface implements methods of custom sorting of the MDM dictionary elements.
TheIRdsElementsIterator interface is used to work with the iterator intended to navigate dictionary elements.
The IRdsElementsSorter interface contains properties and methods of the MDM dictionary elements sorting.
The IRdsExportSchema interface contains properties and methods used to work with an MDM dictionary export scheme.
The IRdsExportSchemaAttribute interface contains properties that determine parameters of binding of a dictionary attribute to fields of an export table.
The IRdsExportSchemas interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary export schemes.
The IRdsImportedBinding interface contains properties of imported attributes' bindings.
The IRdsImportSchema interface contains properties and methods used to work with an MDM dictionary import scheme.
The IRdsImportSchemaAttribute interface contains properties that determine parameters of binding of a dictionary attribute to import table fields.
The IRdsImportSchemas interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary import schemes.
The IRdsLevel interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary level.
The IRdsLevels interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary levels.
The IRdsLink interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary link with the other dictionary.
The IRdsLinkedBinding interface contains properties of bindings for the attributes used to establish a link to other table MDM dictionaries.
The IRdsLinksInstance interface contains properties used to work with a link of the open MDM dictionary.
The IRdsLinks interface contains properties and methods of a collection of MDM dictionary links.
The IRdsLinksInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of links of the open MDM dictionary.
The IRdsLoaderBindings interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of bindings used on creating table MDM dictionaries and loading data to these dictionaries.
The IRdsMergeCallback interface contains methods that implement events that appear during synchronization of a dictionary in the MDM repository.
The IRdsNonUniqueKey interface is used to work with a non-unique key of MDM dictionary.
The IRdsNonUniqueKeys interface is used to work with a collection of non-unique keys of MDM dictionary.
The IRdsNotConvertibleReason interface is used to work with the reason, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary.
The IRdsNotConvertibleReasonConverterConstraint interface is used to work with the reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary; these reasons are related with converter constraints.
The IRdsNotConvertibleReasonDuplicatedId interface is used to work with the reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary; these reasons are related with duplicate identifiers.
The IRdsNotConvertibleReasonIncorrectStructure interface is used to work with the reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary; these reasons are related with incorrect structure of dictionary.
The IRdsNotConvertibleReasonMetaDictionaryConstraint interface is used to work with the reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary; these reasons are related with constraints of table MDM dictionary structure.
The IRdsNotConvertibleReasons interface is used to work with collection of reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary.
The IRdsParam interface contains MDM dictionary parameter.
The IRdsParams interface contains properties and methods of a collection of MDM dictionary parameters.
The IRdsParamsControl interface contains properties and methods used to set up binding of parameters of a parametric dictionary on setting a link to it.
The IRdsParamsControlInstance interface contains properties used to control parameter values of a linked dictionary.
The IRdsParamType interface contains properties of the MDM repository parameter types.
The IRdsParamTypeFolder interface contains properties of a folder that contains parameter types.
The IRdsParamTypeFolders interface contains properties and methods of folders collection of the MDM repository parameter types.
The IRdsParamTypes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of parameter types contained in a specified folder.
The IRdsParamValue interface contains properties used to specify a value of a parameter, with which a dictionary is opened.
The IRdsParamValues interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of parameters values used on opening an MDM dictionary.
The IRdsPredefinedBinding interface contains properties of bindings for system attributes of table MDM dictionaries.
The IRdsReplicator interface contains properties and methods used to synchronize MDM repository dictionaries.
The IRdsSegment interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary segment.
The IRdsSegments interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary segments.
The IRdsSortAttribute interface contains properties of attribute of the MDM dictionary elements sorting.
The IRdsSortAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of attributes of the MDM dictionary elements sorting.
The IRdsTranslationBinding interface contains properties of binding for an additional attribute that stores values in a specific language.
The IRdsUniqueKey interface is used to work with unique key of MDM dictionary.
The IRdsUniqueKeys interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of unique keys of the MDM dictionary.
The IRdsUniqueKeyAttribute interface is used to work with an attribute of the MDM dictionary unique key.
The IRdsUniqueKeyAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of unique key attributes of the MDM dictionary.
The IRdsUserAttributeBinding interface contains properties of custom attributes binding.

See also:

Rds Assembly Enumerations | Rds Assembly Classes | Examples