Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IRdsDictionaryElement > IRdsDictionaryElement.Access
Access(Attribute: RdsAccessAttribute): Integer;
Attribute. Type of access attribute by which a security label is to be found.
The Access property returns a security label set by specified access attribute for the current element.
Security label is returned in a decimal mode. This property is used if access is distributed for 32 or less security subjects.
The example of working with a security label is given in the Controlling Access Permissions to Elements subsection.
Executing the example requires the MDM repository NSI_1 that contains an MDM dictionary with the Dict_1 identifier.Control of access permissions is enabled for dictionary elements.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
Dict: IRdsDictionary;
DictInst: IRdsDictionaryInstance;
Elements: IRdsDictionaryElements;
Element: IRdsDictionaryElement;
List: IRdsDictionaryElementList;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Dict := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("Dict_1", MB.ItemById("NSI_1").Key).Bind As IRdsDictionary;
DictInst := Dict.Open(Null);
Elements := DictInst.Elements;
List := Elements.RootItem.Children;
For Each Element In List Do
End For;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example values of a security label set for root elements of the dictionary by the Permission to Delete attribute are displayed in the console window.
See also: