Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IRdsDictionaryBatchUpdate > IRdsDictionaryBatchUpdate.SetData
SetData(Data: IRdsDictionaryElementData);
SetData(Data: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds.IRdsDictionaryElementData);
Data. Updated data.
The SetData method sets data to be updated.
Use the IRdsDictionaryElements.CreateData method to get MDM dictionary data.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a table MDM dictionary with the DICT identifier.
Add links to the Metabase, Rds system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
mb: IMetabase;
RdsDictObj: IMetabaseObject;
RdsDict: IRdsDictionary;
DictInst: IRdsDictionaryInstance;
Batch: IRdsDictionaryBatchUpdate;
Attr: IRdsAttribute;
data: IRdsDictionaryElementData;
Filters: IRdsDictionaryFilterConditions;
// Get current repository
mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Get dictionary
RdsDictObj := mb.ItemById("DICT_COPY1").Edit;
DictInst := RdsDictObj.Open(Null) As IRdsDictionaryInstance;
// Create package to update elements
batch := DictInst.CreateBatch(RdsDictionaryBatchType.Update) As IRdsDictionaryBatchUpdate;
data := DictInst.Elements.CreateData;
RdsDict := RdsDictObj As IRdsDictionary;
// Select dictionary attribute
Attr := RdsDict.Attributes.FindById("NAME");
// Filter dictionary elements by selected attribute
Filters := batch.Filter;
If Filters.FindByAttribute(Attr) <> Null Then
End If;
// Determine new value for elements by selected attribute
data.Value(data.AttributeIndex(Attr.Key)) := "Element " + DateTime.Now.ToString;
// Refresh data
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example names of all elements in the DICT dictionary are changed.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET Example execution match with those in the Fore Example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
mb: IMetabase;
RdsDictObj: IMetabaseObject;
RdsDict: IRdsDictionary;
DictInst: IRdsDictionaryInstance;
Batch: IRdsDictionaryBatchUpdate;
Attr: IRdsAttribute;
data: IRdsDictionaryElementData;
Filters: IRdsDictionaryFilterConditions;
// Get current repository
mb := Params.Metabase;
// Get dictionary
RdsDictObj := mb.ItemById["DICT_COPY1"].Edit();
DictInst := RdsDictObj.Open(Null) As IRdsDictionaryInstance;
// Create package to update elements
batch := DictInst.CreateBatch(RdsDictionaryBatchType.rdbtUpdate) As IRdsDictionaryBatchUpdate;
data := DictInst.Elements.CreateData();
RdsDict := RdsDictObj As IRdsDictionary;
// Select dictionary attribute
Attr := RdsDict.Attributes.FindById("NAME");
// Filter dictionary elements by selected attribute
Filters := batch.Filter;
If Filters.FindByAttribute(Attr) <> Null Then
End If;
// Determine new value for elements by selected attribute
data.Value[data.AttributeIndex[Attr.Key]] := "Element " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
// Refresh data
End Sub;
See also: