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Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IRdsBaseBinding > IRdsBaseBinding.Attribute


Fore Syntax

Attribute: IRdsAttribute;

Fore.NET Syntax

Attribute: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds.IRdsAttribute;


The Attribute property determines the attribute, for which the binding is set up.


If the binding is created with the AddByAttribute method, the Attribute property returns the attribute specified as the method parameter.

If the binding is created with the Add or GenerateBindingsBySource methods, and is used to update an existing dictionary, specify an attribute of the table dictionary defined in the Dictionary property as the value of the Attribute property.

If the binding is used to create a new table MDM dictionary, the Attribute property is not defined.


The example of use is given in description of the IRdsLoaderBindings.AddByAttribute method.

See also:
