Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IMetaAttribute > IMetaAttribute.Tag
Tag: MetaAttributeTag;
The Tag property returns kind of attribute.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a time series database with the FC_DS identifier.
Sub Main;
mb: IMetabase;
rub: IRubricator;
Ast: IMetaAttributes;
att: IMetaAttribute;
i, tag: Integer;
s: String;
mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
rub := mb.ItemById("FC_DS").Bind As IRubricator;
Ast := rub.Facts.Attributes;
Debug.WriteLine(Identifier of attribute and its view);
For i := 0 To Ast.Count - 1 Do
att := Ast.Item(i);
s := att.Id + ' ';
tag := att.Tag;
Select Case tag
Case 0: s := s + - view is not determined;
Case 1: s := s + - key;
Case 2: s := s + - number for multiple values;
Case 3: s := s + - revision key;
Case 4: s := s + - factor;
Case 5: s := s + - calendar level;
Case 6: s := s + - date;
Case 7: s := s + - scenario;
Case 8: s := s + - units of measurement;
Case 9: s := s + - value;
Case 10: s := s + - name;
Case 11: s := s + - user;
Case 12: s := s + - object;
Case 13: s := s + - comment;
Case 14: s := s + - identifier (mnemonics);
Case 15: s := s + - key of security descriptor;
Case 16: s := s + - indicator (revision label);
End Select;
End For;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example, the console window displays identifiers of time series database attributes and their view.
See also: