Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IMetaAttribute > IMetaAttribute.Group
Group: IMetaAttributeGroup;
Group: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds.IMetaAttributeGroup;
The Group property determines an attribute group.
If a group is set for an attribute, the attribute is a group attribute and always optional to fill. A value of a group attribute changes for all time series included in a group.
If an attribute is included in a unique key, that is, IMetaAttribute.Primary = True, it cannot have a group.
Executing the example requires a time series database with the FC_GROUPS identifier that contains COUNTRY and INDICATOR mandatory time series attributes. These attributes are links to a dictionary. The time series database must not contain a primary index. Add links to the Rds, Metabase, Dimensions, Cubes system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
mb: IMetabase;
Rub: IRubricator;
Dic: IMetaDictionary;
Meta_idxs: IMetaIndexes;
Meta_idx: IMetaIndex;
MetaAttrs: IMetaAttributes;
AttCountry, AttIndicator: IMetaAttribute;
Grp: IMetaAttributeGroup;
Dim_sel_fact: DimSelectionSetFactory;
GrpSel: IDimSelectionSet;
Dim_inst: IDimInstance;
Dim_sel: IDimSelection;
DimAttInst: IDimAttributeInstance;
Dim_Element: Integer;
GrFilter: IMetaAttributeGroupFilter;
Att: IMetaAttribute;
mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
Rub := mb.ItemById("FC_GROUPS").Bind As IRubricator;
// Get dictionary of the database time series
Dic := (Rub.Facts As IMetabaseObject).Edit As IMetaDictionary;
// Create primary index
Meta_idxs := Dic.Indexes;
Meta_idx := Meta_idxs.Primary;
MetaAttrs := Dic.Attributes;
AttCountry := MetaAttrs.FindById("COUNTRY");
AttIndicator := MetaAttrs.FindById("INDICATOR");
If Meta_idx = Null Then
Meta_idx := Meta_idxs.Add;
Meta_idx.Enabled := True;
Meta_idx.Primary := True;
End If;
// Add a group
Grp := Dic.Groups.Add;
Grp.Name := Relationship attributes between countries;
// Assign primary attribute of a group
Grp.PrimaryAttributes := MetaAttrs.CreateSubset("COUNTRY", SubsetOperation.Select_);
// Assign free attribute of a group
Grp.FreeAttributes := MetaAttrs.CreateSubset("INDICATOR", SubsetOperation.Select_);
// Form selection for free attribute INDICATOR
Dim_sel_fact := New DimSelectionSetFactory.Create;
GrpSel := Dim_sel_fact.CreateDimSelectionSet;
Dim_inst := AttIndicator.ValuesObject.Open(Null) As IDimInstance;
Dim_sel := GrpSel.Add(Dim_inst);
DimAttInst := Dim_inst.Attributes.FindById("NAME");
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("BCA");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("BDS");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("BCI");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
// Form selection for primary attribute COUNTRY
Dim_inst := AttCountry.ValuesObject.Open(Null) As IDimInstance; //COUNTRY
Dim_sel := GrpSel.Add(Dim_inst);
DimAttInst := Dim_inst.Attributes.FindById("NAME");
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("Afghanistan");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("Albania");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("Brazil");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
// Assign created selections in group filter
GrFilter := Grp.Filter;
If Not GrFilter.IsEmpty Then
End If;
// Create group attribute of factors
Att := MetaAttrs.Add;
Att.Name := Group;
Att.Group := Grp;
// Save dictionary of the database time series
(Dic As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example a group attribute of time series is created. An attribute is used for the series that:
The COUNTRY attribute equals either to Afghanistan or Albania or Brazil.
The INDICATOR attribute equals either to BCA or BDS or BCI.
Executing the example requires a time series database with the FC_GROUPS identifier that contains the COUNTRY and INDICATOR mandatory time series attributes. These attributes are links to a dictionary. Add links to the Rds, Metabase, Dimensions, Cubes system assemblies.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
mb: IMetabase;
Rub: IRubricator;
Dic: IMetaDictionary;
Meta_idxs: IMetaIndexes;
Meta_idx: IMetaIndex;
MetaAttrs: IMetaAttributes;
AttCountry, AttIndicator: IMetaAttribute;
Grp: IMetaAttributeGroup;
Dim_sel_fact: DimSelectionSetFactory;
GrpSel: IDimSelectionSet;
Dim_inst: IDimInstance;
Dim_sel: IDimSelection;
DimAttInst: IDimAttributeInstance;
Dim_Element: uinteger;
GrFilter: IMetaAttributeGroupFilter;
Att: IMetaAttribute;
mb := Params.Metabase;
Rub := mb.ItemById["FC_GROUPS"].Bind() As IRubricator;
// Get dictionary of the database time series
Dic := (Rub.Facts As IMetabaseObject).Edit() As IMetaDictionary;
// Create primary index
Meta_idxs := Dic.Indexes;
Meta_idx := Meta_idxs.Primary;
MetaAttrs := Dic.Attributes;
AttCountry := MetaAttrs.FindById("COUNTRY");
AttIndicator := MetaAttrs.FindById("INDICATOR");
If Meta_idx = Null Then
Meta_idx := Meta_idxs.Add();
Meta_idx.Primary := True;
Meta_idx.Enabled := True;
End If;
// Add group
Grp := Dic.Groups.Add();
Grp.Name := Relationship attributes between countries;
// Assign primary attribute of a group
Grp.PrimaryAttributes := MetaAttrs.CreateSubset("COUNTRY", SubsetOperation.subsopSelect);
// Assign free attribute of a group
Grp.FreeAttributes := MetaAttrs.CreateSubset("INDICATOR", SubsetOperation.subsopSelect);
// Form selection for free attribute INDICATOR
Dim_sel_fact := New DimSelectionSetFactory.Create();
GrpSel := Dim_sel_fact.CreateDimSelectionSet();
Dim_inst := AttIndicator.ValuesObject.Open(Null) As IDimInstance;
Dim_sel := GrpSel.Add(Dim_inst);
DimAttInst := Dim_inst.Attributes.FindById("NAME");
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("BCA");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("BDS");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("BCI");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
// Form selection for primary attribute COUNTRY
Dim_inst := AttCountry.ValuesObject.Open(Null) As IDimInstance; //COUNTRY
Dim_sel := GrpSel.Add(Dim_inst);
DimAttInst := Dim_inst.Attributes.FindById("NAME");
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("Afghanistan");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("Albania");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
Dim_Element := DimAttInst.LookupValue("Brazil");
Dim_sel.SelectElement(Dim_Element, False);
// Assign created selections in group filter
GrFilter := Grp.Filter;
If Not GrFilter.IsEmpty Then
End If;
// Create group attribute of factors
Att := MetaAttrs.Add(True);
Att.Name := Group;
Att.Group := Grp;
// Save dictionary of the database time series
(Dic as IMetabaseObject).Save();
End Sub;
After executing the example a group attribute of indicators is created. An attribute is used for the series that:
The COUNTRY attribute equals either to Afghanistan or Albania or Brazil.
The INDICATOR attribute equals either to BCA or BDS or BCI.
See also: