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Express > Express Assembly Interfaces

Express Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The IDataAreaOwner interface is used to work with object data area.
The IDataChange interface is a base class that is used to work with changed analytical area data.
The IDiagnosticReport interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with diagnostic reports.
The IEaxAfterExecuteEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs after table calculation.
The IEaxAfterExportEventArg interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs after report export.
The IEaxAfterPrintEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs after report print.
The IEaxAnalyzeCore interface is used to work with express report.
The IEaxAnalyzer interface contains properties and methods of the Express Report repository object.
The IEaxAnalyzerCalendarOptions interface contains properties and methods that are used to set up displaying parameters for report calendars.
The IEaxAnalyzerEvents interface is used to work with events that occur when working with express reports.
The IEaxAnalyzerEventArgs interface is used to work with event arguments.
The IEaxAnalyzerOptions interface contains properties of express report parameters.
The IEaxAnalyzerSource interface implements methods of the data source for the EaxAnalyzerSource object.
The IEaxAnalyzerUserEvents interface is used to implement events in express report event handler.
The IEaxAttachmentsPluginContext interface describes the context for working with cell attachments.
The IEaxBeforeExecuteEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs before table calculation.
The IEaxBeforeExportEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs before report export.
The IEaxBeforePrintEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs before report print.
The IEaxBubbleChart interface contains properties and methods of the Bubble Chart express report object.
The IEaxBubbleTree interface is used to work with a bubble tree.

The IEaxBubbleChartBox interface contains properties and methods of the EaxBubbleChartBox development environment component.

The IEaxBubbleChartSource interface implements methods of data source for the EaxBubbleChartBox object.
The IEaxBulkSettings interface contains properties that are used to set up execution parameters of batch operations for express report.
The IEaxChart interface contains properties and methods of the Chart express report object.
The IEaxConfigurationCategories interface contains properties and methods of the collection of side panel tabs groups.
The IEaxConfigurationCategory interface contains properties of the side panel tabs group.
The IEaxConfigurationPad interface contains properties and methods of express report side panel tab.
The IEaxConfigurationPadHeader interface contains properties of the express report side panel tab title.
The IEaxConfigurationPadPanel interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the panel connected to the side panel tab.
The IEaxConfigurationPads interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of express report side panel tabs.
The IEaxConfigurationPanel interface contains properties and methods of the Side Panel express report object.
The IEaxCustomConfigurationCategory interface contains properties of the tabs group, which does not belong to the system group implemented for express reports.
The IEaxDataArea interface is used to work with analytical data area.
The IEaxDataAreaCellStyle interface is used to work with formatting styles of analytical data area of various elements.
The IEaxDataAreaControl interface is used to work with parameters of data analytical area slice.
The IEaxDataAreaControlInfo interface is used to work with the collection of analytical data area slice parameter controlling setup objects.
The IEaxDataAreaExternalTransformation interface is used to execute a modeling problem in a regular report.
The IEaxDataAreaHierarchies interface is used to work with the collection of alternative hierarchies of analytical data area.
The IEaxDataAreaHierarchy interface is used to work with alternative hierarchy of analytical data area.
The IEaxDataAreaLanerSlice interface is used to work with the analytical data area slice built on workbook of time series database in the series mode.
The IEaxDataAreaParam interface is used to set up analytical data area parameter.
The IEaxDataAreaParamControl interface is used to set up parameter binding of various slices of data analytical area and binding of slice parameters to report parameter.
The IEaxDataAreaParams interface is used to work with the collection of analytical data area parameters.
The IEaxDataAreaPivotSlice interface is used to work with the analytical data area slice built on multidimensional source.
The IEaxDataAreaSlice interface is used to work with analytical data area slice.
The IEaxDataAreaSliceParams interface is used to work with parameters of analytical data area slice.
The IEaxDataAreaSliceProperties interface is used to work with data source slice properties.
The IEaxDataAreaSlices interface is used to work with the collection of analytical data area slices.
The IEaxDataAreaSource interface is used to work with analytical area data source.
The IEaxDataAreaSources interface is used to work with the analytical area data sources collection.
The IEaxDataAreaTransformation interface is used to work with data transformation formula in analytical area.
The IEaxDataAreaTransformations interface is used to work with the collection of analytical area data transformation formulas.
The IEaxDataAreaValidation interface is used to work with validation rule in analytical data area.
The IEaxDataAreaValidationChain interface is used to work with validation chain in analytical data area.
The IEaxDataAreaValidationLink interface is used to work with validation rule links in analytical data area.
The IEaxDataAreaValidations interface is used to work with the collection of validation rules in analytical data area.
The IEaxDataAreaViews interface is used to work with the collection of analytical data area views.
The IEaxDataChange interface is used to work with changed table data.
The IEaxDataSource interface contains properties of express report data source.
The IEaxDataSource interface contains properties and methods of the collection of express report data sources.
The IEaxDimensionDescriptor interface is used to work with dimension description.
The IEaxDimensionDescriptors interface is used to work with the collection of dimension descriptions.
The IEaxDimensionInstance interface is used to work with dimensions data, including selection.
The IEaxDimensionProperties interface is used to work with express report dimension parameters.
The IEaxDocumentViewerBox interface contains properties and methods of the EaxDocumentViewerBox development environment component.
The IEaxDrillCellResult interface contains properties that are used to get information about cell binding to source data.
The IEaxDrillPointResult interface contains properties that are used to get information about point binding to source data.
The IEaxDrillRangeResult interface contains properties that are used to get information about cell range binding to source data.
The IEaxDrillResult interface contains properties that are used to get information about cell binding to source data.
The IEaxDrillSerieResult interface is used to get information about chart series binding to source data.
The IEaxDrillSettings interface is used to work with settings of dimension elements detailing.
The IEaxGrid interface contains properties and methods of the Table express report object.
The IEaxGridAdjustSettings interface is used to work with parameters of cell size autofit.
The IEaxGridDimensionSettings interface is used to work with table dimension settings.
The IEaxGridHeaderProperties interface is used to work with header properties.
The IEaxGridHeaderSettings interface is used to work with header settings.
The IEaxGridViewSettings interface is used to work with data table parameters.
The IEaxHeader interface contains properties and methods of express report header.
The IEaxHierarchySettings interface is used to set up alternative hierarchy.
The IEaxHeaderPArt interface contains properties and methods of a part of express report header.
The IEaxHeaders interface is used to work with the collection of express report sheets headers and footers.
The IEaxHierarchyGroupSettings interface contains grouping properties.
The IEaxInvisibleDimensions interface contains properties and methods of the collection of invisible express report dimensions.
Outdated. Use IEaxMapChart.
The IEaxMapBox interface contains properties and methods of the EaxMapBox development environment component.
The IEaxMapBoxTerritoryEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the OnTerritoryClick event of the EaxMapBox component occurring on mouse click on a map region.
The IEaxMapChart interface is used to work with the map using the OpenGL technology for rendering.
Outdated. The IEaxMapScale interface determines color scale parameters.
The IEaxMapSource interface describes components that can be used as data sources for the EaxMapBox component.
The IEaxObject interface contains basic properties and methods of express report objects.
The IEaxObjectDimensionInstance interface is used to work with object data.
The IEaxObjectPrintSettings interface contains properties that determine print options of express report objects.
The IEaxObjectSelection interface is used to work with object selection.
The IEaxObjectSelectionManager interface is used to work with dimension selection.
The IEaxPadChangedArgs interface contains argument properties of the event that occurs on activating the tab of the EaxConfigurationPanel component.
The IEaxPivotDimensionInstance interface is used to work with table dimension data.
The IEaxRangeCellStyle interface is used to work with table area styles.
The IEaxRangeCellStyles interface is used to work with the collection of table formatting styles.
The IEaxRangeFormatCondition interface is used to work with a conditional formatting style.
The IEaxRangeFormatConditions interface is used to work with the collection of conditional formatting styles.
The IEaxSelectionPadContext interface is used to work with dimensions placed on side panel tabs.
The IEaxSheet interface contains properties and methods of express report sheet.
The IEaxSheets interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of express report sheets.
The IEaxStatistics interface is used to work with summary statistics.
The IEaxSyncGroup interface is used to work with the link of synchronized dimensions.
The IEaxSyncGroups interface is used to work with the collection of synchronized dimensions links.
The IEaxSyncItem interface is used to work with the element of the synchronized dimensions link.
The IEaxTableStyle interface contains properties and methods of express report table formatting.
The IEaxTitle interface is used to work with express repot title.
The IEaxTreeMap interface is used to work with a tree map.
The IEaxVisualizer interface is used to work with a visualizer.
The IEaxWorkbook interface is used to work with parameters of time series database workbook.
The IEaxWorkbookChart interface is used to work with workbook chart parameters.
The IEaxWorkbookMetaAttributesTree interface is used to work with parameters of series tree.
The IEaxWorkbookObject interface is used to work with objects of time series database workbook.
The IEaxWorkbookRubricatorOptions interface is used to work with time series database settings.
The IEaxWorkbookRubricatorOptionsList interface is used to work with the collection of time series database settings used by indicators tree.
The IEaxWorkbookStatistics interface is used to work with parameters of the statistics panel.
The IErAnalyzerDimPanel interface contains properties and methods of the ErAnalyzerDimPanel development environment component.
The IErAnalyzerTitle interface contains properties and methods of the ErAnalyzerTitle development environment component.
The IExAnalyzerExporter interface contains properties and methods that are used to export express reports.
The ILanerBox interface contains properties and methods of the LanerBox development environment component.
The ILanerBoxAttributeEventArgs interface is used to work with event arguments that occur with time series database attributes in the LanerBox component.
The ILanerBoxChangeEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs on workbook changing.
The ILanerBoxMethodSettings interface is used to set up parameters of transformation method applied to a data series.
The ILanerBoxSerieEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the events that occur with workbook series in the LanerBox component.
The ILanerResultsBox interface contains properties and methods of the LanerResultsBox development environment component.
The LanerresultsBoxChartChangedEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the events that occur with express report chart in the LanerResultsBox component.
The ILanerResultsBoxCoefficients interface is used to work with values of the Coefficients tab of the Calculation Results panel for the LanerResultsBox component.
The LanerResultsBoxCopyEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs on copying data from the Summary Statistics tab on the Calculation Results panel of the LanerResultsBox component.
The ILanerResultsBoxCorrelation interface is used to work with values of the Correlation tab of the Calculation Results panel for the LanerResultsBox component.
The ILanerResultsBoxEvents interface is used to work with events that occur on working with the LanerResultsBox component.
The ILanerResultsBoxResults interface is used to work with tabs data on the Calculation Results panel of the LanerResultsBox component.
Outdated. Use IEaxAnalyzeCore.Statistics.
The ILanerRevisionLegend interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with revision legend for the series mode of the time series database.
The IReportData interface is used to work with express report data.
The IReportDataSourceData interface is used to work with data of express report data source.
The IReportDataSourcesData interface is used to work with the collection of data from express report sources.
The IReportSheetData interface is used to work with express report sheet data.
The ISystemPadContext interface is used to work with context of the side panel component.
The ITableSource interface is used to work with parameters of table source.
The ITableWidget interface is used to work with basic properties of the TableWidget component.
The IUiEaxBubbleChart interface contains properties of the UiEaxBubbleChart development environment component that is a data source for the EaxBubbleChartBox component.
The IUiEaxMap interface contains properties of the UiEaxMap development environment component that is a data source for the EaxMapBox component.
The IUiErAnalyzer interface contains properties and methods of the UiErAnalyzer development environment component.
The IUiErAnalyzerEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event generated in the UiErAnalyzer component before updating express report data sources.
The IUiErAnalyzerDataRefreshEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs on changing dictionaries positions or on changing selection in the dictionary of the UiErAnalyzer component.
The IValidationLegendBox interface contains properties and methods of the ValidationLegendBox development environment component.
The IValidationRules interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of validation rules.
The IWidgetChangeEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event that occurs on changing some settings.
The IWorkbookConfigurationPanel interface is used to work with the WorkbookConfigurationPanel development environment component.
The IWorkbookDocumentViewerBox interface contains properties and methods of the WorkbookDocumentViewerBox development environment component.
The IWorkbookStatisticsPanel interface contains properties and methods of the WorkbookStatisticsPanel development environment component.
The IWorkbookValidationPadContext interface is used to work with the context of the tab containing validation rules of the WorkbookConfigurationPanel component.

See also:

Express Assembly Enumerations | Express Assembly Classes