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Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxVisualizer


Assembly: Express;

Name space: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;


The IEaxVisualizer interface is used to work with a visualizer

Inheritance Hierarchy




The following visualizers are available:


  Property name Brief description
IndicatorCount The IndicatorCount property returns the number of visualizer metrics.

Properties inherited from IEaxObject

  Property name Brief description
The Active property determines active object of the express report.
The AllowSaveData property determines whether after modification object data will be saved to the source.
The Available property returns the availability criterion for the object in the express report.
The CombinedIndicatorSelection property returns selection of all dimension metrics in view.
The Description property returns description of an express report object.
The Enabled property determines whether the object is to be plotted.
The Id property determines object identifier.
Outdated. Use IEaxObject.IndicatorSelection.
The IndicatorLegendAssignment property determines metric purpose in visualizer legend.
The IndicatorSelection property returns dimension metric selection in view.
The IsLoaded property determines whether analytical area object will be loaded.
The Laner property determines object to work with workbook of time series database in the series mode.
The Pivot property determines object which is a base to build data table.
Outdated. Use IEaxObject.Visible.
Outdated. Use IEaxObjectPrintSettings.Scale.
The PrintSettings property returns parameters of express report object print and export.
The SelectionManager property returns an object used to work with dimension selection.
Outdated. Use IEaxObject.ViewSize.
The SyncIndicators property determines whether metric synchronization is enables for visualizers.
The Tag property determines any value linked to the object.
The Type property determines the type of express report object.
The UndoRedo property returns undo/redo stack parameters of express report object.
The ViewScale property determines size of object window in the express report.
The ViewSize property returns the express report object size.
The Visible property determines whether the object is displayed in express report window and printed.


  Method name Brief description
The CanChangeObjectivesSelection method returns whether visualizer can be excluded or displayed.
The CanDrillObjectives method returns whether visualizer data can be drilled down.
The ChangeObjectivesSelection method excludes or displays visualizer.
The DrillObjectives method drills down the data.

Methods inherited from IEaxObject

  Method name Brief description
The Load method loads analytical area method.
The Refresh method updates an express report object.

See also:

Express Assembly Interfaces