Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > ITableWidget > ITableWidget.Source
Source: ITableSource;
The Source property determines a data source for the TableWidget component.
As a data source for the TableWidget component, use the data access components UiErAnalyzer and UiReport.
Executing the example requires a form with the following components:
UiErAnalyzer with the UiErAnalyzer1 identifier.
NavigationBar with the NavigationBar1 identifier.
TableWidget with the TableWidget1 identifier.
Specify an express report as a data source for the UiErAnalyzer1 component.
The example is a handler of the OnCreate event for the form and OnRefresh for the TableWidget1 component.
Sub ITABLEWIDGET_SOURCEFormOnCreate(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
TableWidget1.OnRefresh(Sender, Args);
Sub TableWidget1OnRefresh(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
//The navigation panel, which will display tabs:
TableWidget1.NavBar := NavigationBar1;
//The source, to which settings are applied:
TableWidget1.Source := UiErAnalyzer1 As ITableSource;
//Components activation:
TableWidget1.Active := True;
End Sub TableWidget1OnRefresh;
After executing the example on creating a form, parameters of the TableWidget1 component are refreshed and set:
Navigation panel is set.
The TableWidget1 component's data source is set.
The TableWidget1 component is activated.
See also: