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Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > ILanerResultsBox > ILanerResultsBox.Results


Fore Syntax

Results: ILanerResultsBoxResults;

Fore.NET Syntax

Results: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express.ILanerResultsBoxResults;


The Results property returns a set of objects used to work with tabs of the Calculation Results panel.


This method implements the access to values displayed on the Calculation Results panel. All the values are read-only.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires a form, a button with the identifier Button1 located on this form, the LanerBox component, the LanerResultsBox component with the LanerResultsBox1 identifier and the UiErAnalyzer component used as a data source for LanerBox and LanerResultsBox. Workbook of the time series database must be loaded to UiErAnalyzer1.

The example is a handler of the OnClick event for a button.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
    Results: ILanerResultsBoxResults;
    Statistics: ILanerResultsBoxStatistics;
    HasContainers: Boolean;
    CurContainer: Integer;
    i: Integer;
    marg: String;
    Results := LanerResultsBox1.Results;
    Statistics := Results.Statistics;
    HasContainers := (Statistics.Count <> 0And (Statistics.GroupIndex(0) <> -1);
    CurContainer := -1;
    For i := 0 To Statistics.Count - 1 Do
        Statistics.Enabled(i) := Statistics.Active(i);
        If Statistics.Enabled(i) Then
            If (HasContainers And (CurContainer <> Statistics.GroupIndex(i))) Then
                marg := "----";
            End If;
            CurContainer := Statistics.GroupIndex(i);
            Debug.WriteLine(marg + Statistics.Name(i) + "       " + Statistics.Value(i));
        End If;
        Select Case Statistics.Type(i)
            Case LanerBoxStatisticType.Min: Statistics.Enabled(i) := False;
            Case LanerBoxStatisticType.Max: Statistics.Enabled(i) := False;
        End Select;
    End For;
End Sub Button1OnClick;

The values of all statistics, available for the selected series, are displayed in the console window when an example is executed. The following values are shown for each characteristics: name, value, name of containing group (if any). The Maximum and Minimum characteristics are hidden on the Static Characteristics tab.

Fore.NET Example

Executing the example requires a .NET form, a button with the button1 identifier located on it, the LanerBoxNet component, the LanerResultBoxNet component with the LanerResultBoxNet1 identifier and the UiErAnalyzerNet component that is a data source for LanerBoxNet and LanerResultBoxNet. Workbook of the time series database must be loaded to UiErAnalyzerNet1.

The example is a handler of the Click event for a button.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;

Private Sub button1_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
    Results: ILanerResultsBoxResults;
    Statistics: ILanerResultsBoxStatistics;
    HasContainers: Boolean;
    CurContainer: Integer;
    i: Integer;
    marg: String;
    Results := LanerResultBoxNet1.CtrlBox.Results;
    Statistics := Results.Statistics;
    HasContainers := (Statistics.Count <> 0And (Statistics.GroupIndex[0] <> -1);
    CurContainer := -1;
    For i := 0 To Statistics.Count - 1 Do
        Statistics.Enabled[i] := Statistics.Active[i];
        If Statistics.Enabled[i] Then
            If (HasContainers And (CurContainer <> Statistics.GroupIndex[i])) Then
                marg := "----";
            End If;
            CurContainer := Statistics.GroupIndex[i];
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(marg + Statistics.Name[i] + "       " + Statistics.Value[i]);
        End If;
        Select Case Statistics.Type[i]
            Case LanerBoxStatisticType.lbstMin: Statistics.Enabled[i] := False;
            Case LanerBoxStatisticType.lbstMax: Statistics.Enabled[i] := False;
        End Select;
    End For;
End Sub;

Values of all statistics, available for the selected series, are displayed in the console window when an example is executed. The following values are shown for each characteristics: name, value, name of containing group (if any). The Maximum and Minimum characteristics are hidden on the Static Characteristics tab.

See also:
