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Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > ILanerResultsBox > ILanerResultsBox.LoadFromStream


Fore Syntax

LoadFromStream(Stream: IIOStream);

Fore.NET Syntax

LoadFromStream(Stream: System.IO.Stream);


Stream. Data stream from which the parameters should be loaded.


The LoadFromStream method loads display parameters of the LanerResultsBox component from a stream.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires a form, a button with the Button1 name located on this form, the LanerBox component, the LanerResultsBox component with the LanerResultsBox1 name and the UiErAnalyzer component used as a data source for LanerBox and LanerResultsBox. Workbook of the time series database must be loaded to UiErAnalyzer1. Also, the pStream data stream is required, containing display parameters of the LanerResultsBox1 component.

This example is executed on clicking the button.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
    pStream: IIOStream;
    pStream.Position := 0;
    Dispose pStream;
End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing this example display parameters of the LanerResultsBox component are loaded from the pStream data stream.

See also:
